
Really? What does he work on? You know, CERN is a really big community...over 10,000 people gravitate around it...

Hi Claudio,

I am the brother-in-law :)

I was fully at CERN from December 2012 to December 2014. I am still going to CERN once in a while those days, but my professional trips are mostly towards Asia (am lecturing a lot for the students there, and am getting interests in the Chinese post-LHC projects) and the US. To give a little bit more (technical) details than in my introduction post (the details will come later, in the following posts I will write), I am a theorist and did my PhD on QCD as well (applied to new physics however) but from 2004 to 2007. I will definitely post more about that in the future :)



Hi Ben, nice to meet you! QCD is very well represented on Steemit, I would say :-)

Your brother and Mr. @claudiop63 both have some incredibly interesting stories! A lot of it goes way over my head, but you made it interesting to the casual reader as well as one who thoroughly enjoy science. Mr. @cryptoctopus , maybe you would be interested in occasionally participating in a new way through a Weekly Audio Podcast. I'm sure you have a lot going on, but it would be nice to get some power users giving information and getting to know others here. Would love some feedback if you have the time.