Hey Steemit! My GramGram Introduced Me!


Hey Steemit,

Actually....my gramgram didn't introduce me...I just wanted to write something different in the title. Truth is I cannot remember how I heard about Steemit...I think it may have been via the cryptocurrency community somehow.

Right now I just want to get used to the Steemit platform and get to know some cool new people from around the world. I am especially interested in learning more about cryptocurrency in general.

So...my name is Andy and I have several passive income businesses that have been taking care of me financially for a while now. My main biz is creating courses to teach people how to make a passive income via self-publishing and also forms of affiliate marketing...ie..such as Amazon.

So far I have around 9 courses 5 of which were bestsellers with pretty good customer reviews.
I continue to create learning courses for people because I want to help people to get out of their daily grind and follow their dreams of "earning while you sleep" so to speak.

Anyway...I recently got into cryptocurrency a few months back and have been learning as much as i can about it. It is a fascinating topic and I have still got much to learn. However...I have passed the "newbie" phase and am currently creating videos and other content for any total beginners wanting to get into the cryptocurrency world.

I want to help the average person understand the basics of how to invest in cryptocurrency in a step by step manner so they can avoid the mistakes i made when i first got into this field.

So I created a free "Cryptocurrency Investing For Newbies/Beginners" video series and I am going to see if I can post them on Steemit for anyone interested in learning this stuff.

Well...I guess that's it for my Steemit intro.
I guess I had better start posting!!

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Welcome to Steemit!