Very truthful post with things to learn for us the beginners. To give example myself as a follower, in the beginning I didn't know the power of comments and appreciating the work of someone that published a post. Imagine what a surprise I had when a saw a comment rewarded with 3-4$ when my posts if they make 1$ in a good day.
So, the most important thing is to get involved and resonate at a certain level with the authors and get close, even emotional, to their sayings. When somebody is sincere and writes a post to share with others and also help others, gratitude needs to be given in return. Much appreciated!
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What have you not understood? What do you know about the same subject....Well said @cryptorg. The idea, as you so aptly state, is to get involved, share in the perspective of the author, relate to it, suggest alternatives. What could have been said/done differently? What is your take on the characters, if it is a story? What are your thoughts on the theme, if it is a poem? What do you make of the proposition, if the author is suggesting a new way to trade in cryptocurrency.
Such discussions are what make the cut, other than insincere only-attention-seeking 'great post', 'nice writing' ,'thanks for sharing' kind of posts. These kind of short comments should only come as a salutation or for signing off your elaborate comment.
Indeed the communication should be sincere and should add value through the perspective it brings from both sides.
I agree. Thanks again for your insight, @cryptorg