Awesome post Maggie!
I myself have not gotten around to make my first post on SteemIt, thinking I needed to understand ALL the ins and outs of the whitepaper, before even engaging.
But your post made me realize, that no matter what the "system" is, honesty and "just doing it" is what will always resonate the strongest with people in a good community, which I agree that SteemIt seems to be.
Just look - out of 28 views, you have 25 votes!
That's an insane view to vote ratio, no matter how "small"...
I'm sure you will do great on this platform, without even realizing how you suddently got there.
So my first contribution to SteemIt will be and upvote for you, and a reminder to myself to not overthink things, but sometimes just taking the leap and learning by doing.
In essence, your post reminded me of this quote:
Thank you for your comment Cryptos17, and I like the quote!.. It's hard sometimes to take the leaps that need taking, but I think If you have enough faith in what you're doing, the skies' the limit.
Just jump!