Let us present our sexy job :)

Computed tomography, MRI, dMRI, sono.. That is just the begining about what we want to write here about.
And yes, we. This account include two fans of technology, who are just now working with industrial CT.
We live in eastern part of Czech republic, on the edge between wine and slivovice ("plumb vodka").

Moravia [www.pilotemnazkousku.cz]

Yes, we are proud Moravian and maybe one day, when we will have enough of technology, we will write about beauties in our country (and we are not talking only about girls!).

And how it comes that we are so into a CT? It is fun... it is fun to look into things, see so many details you never know that are inside..

Inside the clocks [CT-gurus archive]

And now about us.. we both studied at Brno University of Technology, but one studied mechanical engeneering and one biomedical technology and bioinformatics. Now, we are around 30 years, and we have a lot of experience with scanning on CT, but also with doing seminaires, workshops and lectures for people in Czech and Slovak republic.

Our lab!

We just hope you will enjoy our posts, and we beg to you... leave comments so we have more ideas about what we will write next, what you want to see, atc.

Now it is time to go!!

[CT-gurus archive]


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