Hi, Joey. Glad you liked the photos and the story. I read in your description that you have Dutch ancestry. I was told by my parents that my family name "Deeke" is a shortened version of the Dutch "van der Deeken" last name. Apparently, one of my ancestors was Dutch and modified his name after establishing himself in Germany. I will be glad to follow you.
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Great. Thanks. My grandpa, Peter Marinus Rasp, was born 1906 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. My dad was adopted into the Arnold family. That is why I'm Joey Arnold, not Joey Rasp. My great grandpa might have been born in Germany and then maybe he moved to the Netherlands. Or his father did or his father's father did. Am not too sure yet. So, I am probably part German and Dutch on my dad's side. And on my mom's side, I think British and Scottish, mostly.
That's very interesting. You have rich ancestry.