How Many Married Couples Are Doing it As Much As We Are?

in #introduceyourself6 years ago (edited)


I’m talking about #steemit. I’m talking about #blogging, I’m talking about #curating, #delegating, #trailing, assisting in #blockchain initiatives, #supporting fellow steemians, both #new and seasoned, documenting our #travel #adventure(s), all of it—I’m talking about all of the #hashtags both Pura Vida and I are actively doing on a consistent basis.

If you haven’t met my wife, you’re missing out. She’s @puravidaville on here and she’s a gangster in the kitchen, she typically competes in two weekly cooking challenges: #foodfightfriday and #fruitsandveggiesmonday where she shows off her original recipes and kitchen skills and combines them both with her writing talent(s). She’s funny, she’ll either say something or link something (or both) in of her posts that will make you laugh out loud at least once. She’s valuable to our blockchain and everything to me. A few things you don’t know about her is she’s an alumni, double major and Summa Cum Laude in a sought after University in San Francisco, California. She’s studied law, philosophy, communications, psychology, she passed the 49% success rate State of California Real Estate Licensing Exam on her first try—she was the first student to complete her test that day, too. She teaches English as a foreign language and, my personal favorite, she adores me every day.

I don’t have the quite the same honors as she does—mine are worded slightly different. I excelled, just not upward. The categories I was most likely to be mentioned in, during my adolescence, were: detention, absences, defiance, things of that nature. I wasn’t troubled, I was just a young and understandably stupid kid who lacked guidance and a compass—thank God I made it to where I’m at!

I was 16 years old when I graduated from high school. Not because I excelled beyond my peers academically but because I was expelled from the school district I attended before my senior year began, forcing me to attend a continuation school where I completed my senior year in five weeks. Before receiving my diploma, I began an 18 month vocational school for drafting and architecture. I completed the program a few months after my 18th birthday and earned an associates degree in AutoCAD. Realistically, an associates degree means the same thing as ‘not enough.’ What I ultimately learned during those 18 months is I had no interest whatsoever in a career in drafting.

For the next year I did a couple of different things; I delivered pizzas, worked at a couple of different truss yards, I helped frame a few houses, all the while my Grandfather would drop subtle hints about the IBEW. My Grandfather was a Union electrician, my uncle is a retired Union electrician, so is his brother and their father was also a Union electrician. I have cousins who are IBEW, they have in-laws in the Union and now their own kids are joining the apprenticeship program. The IBEW runs deep where I’m from—I’m third generation. I hung garage doors for a few months that summer, too, I even stocked the shelves at a local convenience store for a couple of weeks, my Grandfather would still drop subtle hints whenever I would see him.

One day I went to his house for whatever reason, most likely just to hang out and play chess, he and I did that regularly. I’d be lying if I told you I remember exactly how I worded it but I said something like; “I think I just need to do what all of you did, it’s worked out well for everyone else.” The next thing I remember is I’m being introduced to the business agent at the Union Hall about 60 miles away. I hardly remember my Grandfather saying anything and I don’t remember the drive. He wasn’t around five years later when I completed the apprenticeship earning another degree equivalent to an associates in mathematics and electrical theory.

I remember orientation for the apprenticeship when the director, Cerry T., said: “All you need, to draw a full pension is, 37,500 hours. Those of you sitting in this classroom right now who are under 20 years old can work 19 - 2,000 hour years and retire before your 40th birthday.” From that moment on I had a mission—retire before I’m 40! For the next 22 years I worked as often and anywhere I could and, although I didn’t pull it off before I turned 40, I got pretty close. Fully retired at age 41—I don’t know anyone else in the same work boots.

I’ve actually heard, on several occasions, from new acquaintances but mostly long-time friends, something to the extent of “how much more would you make if you worked until you’re 55?” When I say ‘I don’t know,’ I’m met with “you’re so young, I would’ve wanted to know how much more I could make if I worked until I was 55 or 60.” At that point, my response sounds something like this: “When they told me 37,500 hours, that’s what they got. Not 36,999 and not 37,501.”

The largest project I ran during those two decades was Ivanpah Solar Power Facility on the California / Nevada border. I had my hands on many projects in the Western United States since 1995, such as; City Center in Las Vegas, Nevada, Apple Park in Cupertino, California, Intel in Santa Clara, Vandenberg Air Force Base in Santa Barbara, California and many publicly traded corporations that require a high level of security screening to gain access. Panasonic, Boeing, the largest municipal Utility Local in the United States are some of the first entities that to come to mind.

Why am I telling you all of this? Well, for starters, the first tag on this article says ‘introduce yourself.’ Another reason is because my wife and I have a lot to offer this community—I hope you agree. The third reason, because they always come in three’s, I’m a Princess! Think I’m kidding? Feel free to plug in your only child stereotypes. When I was nicknamed “Princess,” I ate it up! This is the inside of my tool box I carried with me to each of those projects I just told you about, plus many more, for 22 years. My grandfather worked out of the same toolbox way back in the day when he was on the job, it’s a Crafstman—the only toolbox I have.



Because they always come in three’s

Tantrum No.


What’s the point of upvoting comments on a blog to a value worth substantially more than the post it’s commenting on? A comment that took a few minutes to compose, verses a post, which required several hours to compose, and the comment is worth more than the post? If comments are in the $1 - $2 range, shouldn’t the actual post itself, the original article posted by the author be worth a minimum of $1 - $2? I’m thankful I have somewhere like Steemit to vent share whatever creativity I’m made aware I’m capable of performing—that hasn’t changed. What has changed is waking up excited and eager to see what a recent post did, only to see the value remains at 30 cents and one or more of the comments are worth $1 - $2. Is that supposed to be encouraging?

Up until a few weeks ago I would look forward to the curation statistics provided by @boddhisattva—thank you, boddhistattva! We’ve all seen my wallet balance so to even be mentioned amongst quality curators is comforting—it’s nice to know I’m doing as much as feasibly possible with my curating. I’m accustom to seeing my name in the #140 - #160 range out of the platform’s top 200 curators that encourage discussion. 150’ish—I’ll take it! I’ve been bumped back recently and I’m barely making the cut, if you click on the link I pasted a moment ago and scroll all the way down to the bottom, you’ll see I’m barely hanging on at #195.

I scrolled through the names around me to see if I recognized anyone and, although I do recognize quite a few of the curators I’m pleased to be mentioned with, a new one stood out—46 times to be exact. That explains why I got bumped back those 46 places. That’s a lot of curation rewards for one person. 46 out of 200 anything are great odds! The person is... a robot? The same fulltimebots that are bumping up the value of comments to be worth substantially more than the original articles themselves—why is that?


@fulltimegeek. Wouldn’t it be more rewarding for the community if you sent all of your robots to upvote all of your favorite commenters’ original articles instead? Are you already doing that and, at this point, you just strongly feel they’re underpaid? I don’t understand the logic behind discouraging authors to post original content they spent hours upon hours to articulate, edit, punctuate, attach images and external links to, etc. if they’re not going to be appreciated even half as much as one comment that took a fraction of the time to post?

I just began noticing this morning, those same commenters, the beneficiaries of fulltimebots are now feeling the repercussions of much larger wallets than their own who are, apparently, opposed to fulltimebots. Those same commenters are now being downvoted and silenced by anti-fulltimebots to the point that their comments are being blurred out, pushed to the back, and say “hidden due to low ratings.” That isn’t going to encourage anybody—can’t we all just get along?

This is not an attempt at being offensive or argumentative, fulltimegeek, I’m actually curious, what’s your logic? I’ve heard rumors about flag wars here and there and, I’m not going to lie, the political drama on Steemit between you and @berniesanders is deafening at times but, I assure you, I don’t know many people who care less about politics than myself. I’ve never voted for a president, I’ve never attended a political rally and the catch-phrase “government shut down” means the same thing to me as “State Of The Union.” I’m actually in a foreign country as I type this article right now, we’ve been here since the beginning of the year and I haven’t even attempted to locate the US embassy yet—that’s how important politics are to me. All of you whales just keep on doing whatever it is whales do as long as it doesn’t consist of powering down. I care about producing original content (like this), curating (like this), making friendships (yeah, regardless how it comes to light), developing communities and things of that nature on Steemit (like this). Thank you for reading!

Tantrum No.


The same two people I introduced you to in the beginning of this article; puravidaville and myself, the same married couple that’s doing it all the time, well, we’re being rewarded with flags for our efforts these days (again). Pura Vida just began attracting flags, I’ve been receiving 100% downvotes since I started this platform in September, 2017—my record number of flags for one week is seven 100% downvotes. Seven flags on three articles and the majority of them were on a poem I wrote to my wife! I used to take pictures of them but I realized photos don’t make them go away. They haven’t gone away at all, in fact, they’re frequenting more often but now they’re flagging Pura Vida regularly and for what?! Motivation plus 100% downvotes equals zero.

Is it because she dedicates multiple hours each day to the kitchen where she creates original recipes, documents the events and techniques with images before posting them on Steemit for everyone’s entertainment—is that why? Is it because she shows off her college educated writing talents, along with her original recipes, what is it?? What warrants 100% downvotes on an author who dedicates a good portion of their time toward the same platform you and I enjoy for the entertainment of virtual strangers? I don’t understand the rationale behind that one, someone enlighten me—thank you for reading!

Tantrum No.


(Because they always come in three’s)

Anyone who holds stocks, annuities, Roth IRA’s, mutual funds, bonds, etc. will fire their financial advisor if their portfolio has been on a steady decline for two years. Anyone who’s in it to make a profit anyway. I, personally, am a crypto enthusiast who understands the difference between this market and traditional markets, I’m in it for the long haul—always have been. I understand my profits are destined to return. I put my eyes on coinmarketcap daily, I see Bitcoin going up and down, mostly down with an occasional sideways run, that’s not what this tantrum is about.

The same two people I’ve been introducing you to throughout this article, combined, hold stake in over 11,000 Steem Power. A minor figure compared to our witnesses but still a figure we’re proud of—it shows our dedication. If the same market that shows Bitcoin running sideways shows Steem mirroring Bitcoin and running sideways, why are our wallets on a steady decline? Is that what the “reward pool” is all about? What exactly is the reward pool then—how does it work? That’s my third tantrum, someone explain the reward pool to me, dumb it down, though, please! Pretend I’m a German Shepherd, eerily intelligent dogs, right? You just have to talk....... real........ slloooooooooww.

Someone explain to me how the reward pool works because my wallet isn’t mirroring Steem on coinmarketcap. I know what a market looks like when investors pull out substantial dividends, some even at a loss, just when things are appearing to smoothen out. I see a lot of powering down going on lately, does that mean the big wallets that are powering down are not controlling the reward pool and they’re losing just like I’m losing, only in larger volumes? How does it work? Do the big wallets know something I don’t, are they running for higher ground? If that’s the case, then what’s #steemit, a learning curve?


Support #steemit Original Content Creators


You both do it too me lol. (Meaning i get so excited while reading & have a million things to say)

Cool bro (Princess). Sounds alot like me buddy. I was 17 but i transferred to a christian school where you can work at your own pace and i graduate early (3.8 weee) instead of dropping out (parents wouldn't have that).

@dandays & @puravidaville have been some of the coolest, awesomest, kindhearted and compassionate folks i ever did meet on the blockchain.

You know me by know, i have to revisit this for some more comments...

Danget, she beat me here, is it too early to say “what she said!” See what I mean?! She got here before I did and busted out a one-liner that I can’t compete with! I call those “summa moments.”

I sure do appreciate you taking the time to read over this one like that weirdheadaches and comment as you go, that’s really cool! Ya’all made me feel good about this one, I didn’t want to come across as confrontational.

About the awsomest, kind hearted part, please refer one more time to what @puravidaville said, she said it perfectly. I’m really glad you think so, from all the way down here in Central America—a big huge thank you!

Thanks for stopping by @weirdheadaches.

Man, that sure isn’t a crappy thing to read! You rock my ninja :)

OOOhhh princess it was just marvelous thanks for sharing a little bit of your history with us, and yes, we've met you're wife, she is stunning, and you guys are the best couple I know ( after me and my wife of course)

you wanna know where everyone is right now?!/ref/@edprivat (it's a referral link)

My man! Ladies and gentlemen weclome my favorite rock star to the comment section: Ed Privat!! :smoke: :lights.

Princess - “guilty!” All the fellas would give me poop over it—I love it! There’s a wrong way, a right way and my way, can you visualize my tiara? It sparkles. Bling to the bling. 😉

I sure am glad you appreciated it dude, my pleasure! Thanks for spending some time on it, I actually know how hectic your busy schedule is. I said Union Electrician so readers could have a reference to my profession, don’t get it twisted, though—Journeyman Wireman is my official title.

Thanks for stopping by @edprivat.

I will give you poop for the rest of your life :)

Journeyman is a term is adore, there's something so beautiful about it, it sounds like someone that did something with his life, you know what I mean?

Princess, when are you buying your castle??


Howdy sir dandays! hey is this the fluff piece I was supposed to be anonomously mentioned in? I have no idea. plus you never answered my questions to you. Evidently you haven't read the Steemit Etiquette handbook. How long have you been on here? I think you said but that was a long read ago.

You're telling me you still have that toolbox or just a photo of it? That's classic, I love that!

I scrolled through looking for a response from ftg or bernie.

I heard yesterday that they've been carrying out this war for a long time, the person telling me said they were doing it when they joined two years ago. So I guess we shouldn't try to wait them out.

There is good news though, curatorhulk launched yesterday and is asking for anyone who is being flagged to contact him and he will come to your defense. I would do that forthwith.

Hey, Janton, right on! I’m glad you didn’t miss this one. Yesir, you’re the person I was referring to as being blurred out and pushed to the back, your comment said “hidden due to low ratings” on my page until I Upvoted it. In fact, had I not seen your message on, I would’ve completely missed it—true story. 👍🏿

That Steemit etiquette book must’ve got misplaced during the move, sir, remind me of those questions. 😉

Oh, you bet your last letter in pitA I still have that tool box, that’s not just a picture. That’s the only toolbox I have, I can build anything with that box. Fun fact: I heard many times, throughout my career, when I needed a kid or an Iron Head or someone to hoist my tool box anywhere, I’d be met with “will this handle hold?” or “Can this box handle it?” .....I don’t know kid—you tell me.

Thanks a lot for stopping by @janton, as usual, the pleasure’s all mine.

uh no..the pleasures all mine sir dandays! lol..don't you think that may be a little of an exaggeration.."I can build anything with that box.?" maybe not, I'm just askin.
I hope fulltimegeek would get back to you but I think anyone he talks to is targeted by bernie but check out curatorhulk, he has a much bigger account, it's awesome to see.

ftg was just trying to reward some of the top engagers in the League, most of us are doing it fulltime with no financial reward or recognition and have paid alot of dues. I've seen about 7 of us that he was trying to help but some days it's a wash with bernie's bots there. There may be a dozen of us though, or more, who knows.

I really enjoyed reading that post, it was so entertaining of course but with you guys putting so much into steemit does it make sense? I thought you saw the writing on the wall and you were looking for greener pastures? Or are you doing that at the same time like alot of people are? building simultaneously on weku for example.

I lost the questions that I asked but that doesn't excuse your utter rudeness! lol.. just teasing, I was just asking about local stuff there, the residency progress, bike riding instead of driving, if the non sugar diet is still on. No comment about gluten causing leaky gut, ya'll probably already knew that. The monkeys and Tucans still being noisy,,,,that was a question.

Did I say how much I liked that post? I didn't say it in my original comment because I was trying to be smart-alecky.
if you decide to stay then this is a perfect fit for you both. But I don't know if it's worth it at this point.

Ok, I gotta go see if I can throw some kind of post together, might not make it today.

First, I’ll never go anywhere unless everyone is already there. Reward or no reward, I’m grateful to have a place to show my creativity. With that comes frustrations, when I see things, with my own eyes, that are ruining the platform.

About my rudeness: “I’m sweet as a line.”

I haven’t found greener pastures, I’ve only looked in a few places. Are you aware of greener pastures? I’d like to know where all of the whales who are powering down are going. They won’t say anything at all!

Gluten, yes’ir, she’s gluten free too. Pretty much eats like a rabbit—since November! <— amazing. We’re getting around by bicycle now, it’s much easier to see the country this way.

Hey, how’s jack? Did you guy get him a valentines gift? Did you and Mrs. J celebrate Valentine’s Day?

The monkeys are surprisingly loud in the mornings and then they’re silent until the following morning. It’s daily, about 10 til 5am until just after sunrise, 5:40’ish, they’re so loud.

I’m glad you liked this post, Janton. Thanks for taking the time to read it, it’s gotta be tough to read when you’re listed 7 days a week and commenting like.. 70 times a day??

Fulltimegeek didn’t respond to me, neither did Bernie, I’m kind of glad actually because if they weren’t going to be sincere, I’d rather not entertain their discrepancies and this article had nothing to do with Bernie, personally. But check this out! I got a new update from boddhistats, yesterday, and all of the fulltimebots are gone—that’s awesome! Even something like tailing all of his favorites Upvotes with his bots.. have all of his robots autofire the articles his favorites upvote—or not.. something??
edit scratch that—I guess this is the response.

About the toolbox and exaggerating—negative! 👍🏿

Howdy sir dandays! no exaggeration with the toolbox! have total faith in that toolbox, it can do anything. lol..I hope you don't need it much at your new place but at least if it needs some work you're covered by your magic toolbox.

valentines day? that's a joke right? what a load of nonesense that is, of course we didn't celebrate it, I thought you were a radical non-conformist? I didn't even know the day it was until I read some females lame post about it. Mrs. J was working but she hates valentines day anyway. in fact she doesn't like flowers or chocolate so if I really wanted to tick her off and get her disgusted I'd try to do something on valentines day! lol.

70 times a day commenting?? it's over 200.

Jack is great. can't wait to see you get your shepard.

The whales are a mysterious bunch in that no one knows how to get in touch with them, the whales seem to know things and must talk to each other and everyone else is just guessing what's going on.
I hear things and people love weku because they don't have the bots and the bot wars and downvoting and flagging and there are no restrictions on how much you can comment and vote each day, no rc problems.

But I think it's totally unproven. People keep trying to get me to go there for the non negative aspects that steemit has and you grow fast and stack funds fast. the one guy who is 55rep here is already 61 over there with $1400 in his account. He posts in both sites.

I'm not that interested. I'm not a creative or content creator like ya'll are. I do it because it's the only way to grow my account. It would be wonderful to not have to post at all. lol.

thanks so much for getting back to me sir dandays!

Hi and welcome here! When I started on steemit, my biggest problem was to find interesting people to interact with. So, to help newcomers getting started I created a directory with other interesting and or talented steemians to follow or interact with. Feel free to check it out at I am sure it will help you find like-minded people. Enjoy your stay here and do not hesitate to contact me if you have any questions!

say wut now?

edit: oooh that's the introduceyourself tag that brought you here I see

yes indeed :-)

Thanks for the warm welcome anonyvoter, I really appreciate it! Question: Why didn’t you read my post? That’s peculiar, 🤔 it leads me to a second question.

Do you send the same response to everyone who uses the #introduceyourself tag, even brand new registrants and not read their article or is it just me? 😉

Thanks for stopping by @anonyvoter.

Hey @dandays, Your post has been determined to be Splat-Worthy!! Therefore You’ve been Splatted by the Splatz Curation Trail
Rewarding Your Original Work
With an Upvote
If you find posts worthy of a nasty Splatin’ feel free and mention @splatz in your reply to their post. Call me out!!

You’re too good to me!

Thanks for stopping by @splatz.

I upvote you and follow you

Posted using Partiko Android

I really appreciate that—may each one be better than the last!

Thanks for stopping by @felysummer.

Princess...I can see that. Lol. We had a guy we called Princess, he said he was an ex Marine but dude...he was the biggest sissy I had ever met in my life!! He gave Marines a bad name let’s just say that.
I’m a first generation IBEW Lineman along with my older Brother who is an Electrician. Third generation??!!! That is awesome!!! I will probably work until I am about 80 because I plan on living until I am 135 and 2/3’s that should give me a good 40 years to blow all my money on stupid stuff. Ha ha ha
I’m with you on the political stuff around here...just like at work...Stay out of it and just do your job. Seeing comments being upvotes 10x over the post is silly to me also. I try and save my upvotes for the actual post but I do kick down 0.01 when I can, to let them know I appreciate their comment. I think a lot of people pay for a service that upvotes their comments but I am not 100% sure.
I’m sitting here nodding my head as I am reading through your hissy fits my dear princess. Somethings I just don’t understand and can’t explain other than...people are weird.
Cheers Homie

Posted using Partiko iOS

Man, I sure hope the Princess I earned is because I’m a right way, wrong way and my way kinda guy, sissy princesses suck—pick me!! Wa!

Yes’ir, 3rd gen. <—it looked cool at the g so I added a dot and left, “3rd gen.” 135? Dang! That means you got another 80 years until you’re middle aged. 😉

I do the same thing with the comments. If I’ve gone back and forth with someone and I’m the one who taps out, I’ll leave at least a penny. And sometimes, like you said, it’s just a really good comment that’s worthy of an acknowledgement.

Thanks for stopping by @jlsplatts, thanks for reading through my tantrums. I was hesitant to pull the trigger on this one, now I’m glad I did.

Steemit is a mirror of our world - money bags tells that you need to find your passion and work hard, while they make money. That's it. 😈

Steem blockchain does not have a working economical model and reward pool is crippled. Take it or leave it.

The good point is that you can post some stuff while you hodl your crypto assets. Many other shitcoins does not even have a blockchain of their own. 😂

For a dude who doesn’t have a lot to say, you sure do pick good times to say the right things. Well said, scorer! Thanks!

So that’s how the reward pool works.. it doesn’t, got it! Eh, are you registered on any other platforms?

Thanks for stopping by @scorer! It’s always a pleasure hearing from you. And thank you for the Resteem, sir! Enjoy the best week of the year. 😉

Yes, I have registered in many STEEM forks, but I do not hang around there. It's like Bitcoin and forks. I took some airdrops and invested some money, but that's it. I stick to STEEM and play with it. 💰

The only reason for posting here is if you like to do it and want to become a member of community. When STEEM makes new highs and everybody jumps in - you are going to have all those bells and whistles - they have to start from zero.

I have a gut feeling that STEEM will make it. I'm here to witness it. ✌️

I don’t think you realize how valuable this short conversation has been. I think next time I feel the need to throw a tantrum three tantrums I’ll just come lean on you for a minute. 👍🏿

Thanks for sticking around @scorer!

Well maybe when you move close to that very relationship.

Good morning, thanks for dropping me a line. I’m not gonna lie, you lost me on this one. 🤔

Thanks for stopping by @aikulise.


I wish I had some insight on the craziness on the blockchain, but all I got is some weird oatmeal and running selfies. 🤣 Haha, well I'd like to think I bring a little more to the table, as well. I just can't figure out all the 🐂💩 , so I stick with what sparks joy in my day. I Marie Kondo the heck out of my social media. The puradays household definitely makes the cut.

Has anyone told you how cool you are lately? This cool!

I just can’t make sense of things sometimes. I figured what better place to ask a Steemit question than here. 🤔 Humans.. Do you think if the lambourghini dealer gave away 10 red cars to 10 random people, it wouldn’t take long for one of them to be “I wish it wasn’t red.” ?

Yeah uhm no, you’re killin it Steemit Star, we all see your activity, way to go plantstoplanks, I dig your style.

Remember the German Shepherd part? Ah man! Marie Kondo?! <— help!

Thanks for stopping by @plantstoplanks, you definitely make the cut too, chef/runner/blogger/start-up runner!

It's almost 1 am, i got headache because im playing steemmonsters for more 12 hours today😂 i'll be back to ask you something ...

So long as I’m not the one who’s giving you a headache you go ahead and take all the time you need! 😉

Thanks for stopping by @cicisaja.

Hey, its delightful to meet you, even though I feel like I've know you a long time! Interesting background on you both so thank you for sharing. I'd be lying if I fully understood how steemit works, only thing I really get is how it brings community together. I've met the most amazing, free thinking people on Steemit and I look forward to meeting you both someday as well!

Posted using Partiko Android

This is such a pleasant response, thank you! I’m gonna make you a deal right now, right here on the blockchain for all eyes to see: If you’re going to leave kind comments like rhatnon my page, I’m not going to stop you!

Thank you! It’s nice to be met. I’m a big fan of Steemit too, check us out right now, me and you.. “thanks, Steemit!”

We tried venturing some mountain bike trails today but didn’t get very far. Our latest journey is finding some trails to go on. We can’t just walk into a bike shop here and ask for mountain bike trail maps, we’ve tried, they just don’t exist.

Thanks for stopping by @jrb450.

Welcome to steemit. Enjoy the ride

Posted using Partiko Android

“Wa!” I thought I was special—so much for that... Is this your best attribute?


No, it is not. Im giving a warm welcome to new steemian. My best is yet to come😂. Have a great day ahead.

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Please feel free to visit my channel, follow me, upvote, comment and resteem,

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Congratulations! Your post has been selected as a daily Steemit truffle! It is listed on rank 10 of all contributions awarded today. You can find the TOP DAILY TRUFFLE PICKS HERE.

I upvoted your contribution because to my mind your post is at least 5 SBD worth and should receive 221 votes. It's now up to the lovely Steemit community to make this come true.

I am TrufflePig, an Artificial Intelligence Bot that helps minnows and content curators using Machine Learning. If you are curious how I select content, you can find an explanation here!

Have a nice day and sincerely yours,

Are you raising up to the challenge, @socky and @senseicat?

Posted using Partiko Android

Hello @dandays,
Currently We’re supporting for the Planktons by our small upvote. You may like it, check my support here.

To get more 15SP delegate and receive additional rewards from your activities on Steemit, you can use Partiko app for your phone.
Welcome to Steemit & Wish you luck - success with Steemit! 😇😇😇

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You may like it....

Correction—I love it! Thank you. It would be worth more if you actually read at least one wOrd I said, though, don’t you think?

Thanks for stopping by @anhvu.

If you see that, I think it will be worth reading. So, I will read, and leave another reply, you will see it, soon.
Have a nice day :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I can’t wait, the suspense is killing me. Quick, get back here!

Thanks for stopping by @anvhu.

Khakha :)
You have put a lot of enthusiasm for this post ? :) I guess you were disappointed with Steemit, I really hope I'm wrong :)

Here the interaction is worse than facebook. So if the post is not sponsored, you will be disappointed. Therefore, my friend advised not to invest too much time writing articles. Unless the financial goal is secondary to the article :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I guess you have too many topics to write but they run wander every moment in you. LOL
I am impressed with your toolbox rather than your gangster wife . Hi. And you know, fairness on Steemit belongs to big fish. I hope that Steemit will soon have many changes, although my belief is not great about fairness in this community but I believe in future improvement, at least it will be more convenient or more more revenue or can insert ad code in the article. :)

Hello, again! I just saw your other comment and said “quick, get back here!” For the record, I’m glad you did. Thanks a lot for not skimming through my article and taking the time to tell me what you think.

I can’t counter or even attempt to contradict any point you made, they’re all valid and I couldn’t have said it better myself.

Thanks for stopping by @anvhu. I just checked out your blog and, for someone who’s such a fan of quotes by “Author: Albert Schweitzer” and pretty models, if the title of this one is what got your attention then, great! It worked. It’s nice to be met @anvhu—happy Friday.

Thanks for visiting my blog, although it's nothing :)
In the evening at bedtime I often spend time reading articles or watching videos. And very lucky now my place is 22h, so my promise is made quickly.

I promise to visit your blog in the future.
Happy weekend with your family :)

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