Welcome and thanks for sharing so honestly. ME sounds like a hugely challenging condition which i don’t really understand as I haven’t experienced it. It’s interesting that screens make it worse. I’m sure we are not meant to spend so much time in front of them. So maybe that’s part of your current condition is a blessing as it forces you to be away from screens. Good luck on here from a fellow vegan.
You're so right, it's not possible to fully understand it if you haven't experienced it yourself. I know I wouldn't have, not veven close.
I believe the screen problem is due to both the flickering, the unnatural light (I have problems with electric lamps as well, unless they're quite dim) and even contrast (it's usually much worse in the evening). The body isn't able to produce and recycle energy properly and as the brain uses 20% of all the energy in the body non-vital functions may suffer. Not all ME sufferers have the same problem with screens though, far from it. But it's not uncommon either. It's so incredibly limiting. But things will change. Thank you.