Hello Fellow Steemians Dante is now in the house!

Hello fellow Steemian's, 

My name is Dante and i am new to Steemit. I heard about Steemit while researching exactly what bitcoin and Cryptocurrency was all about a couple months ago. I came across a video of a well known Youtuber and Steemian, Jerry Banman i believe his name is. I remember him talking about what Steemit was, and from what i learned people would earn money from posting blogs and videos and would earn money based on an upvote system. I am a believer who thinks that people will love the idea of being paid for putting out content, especially people who use Facebook and Twitter who have large followings and do not get rewarded for it through those sites. I also just found out this week that earning money through the social media part of the website is not even the best part about investing into Steem, apparently there is no fees to use the system and it is able to handle a lot more traffic/transactions than Bitcoin or Ethereum. If that statement is true i believe that Steemit is very valuable to obtain right now under $5 and to hold your coins for  a year untill we maybe see a $100 Steem coin, or if you really believe in Steemit hold your coins for 3-5 years until we see a $1000+ Steem coin. Those  numbers are very possible to obtain I feel because Ethereum this time last year was under $4 per coin and its now at $800 per coin, that's 200x your investment if you invested at that time, or a 20000% gain in one year if i calculated that correctly lol. I think the same could happen with Steem, we might even see some even more crazy gains than that because cryptocurrency has been blowing up so much recently. I own 55 steem coin at the moment and my goal is to obtain 1000 steam coins by December. 19/ 2018. I am not a rich person, I am just a regular 27 year old guy from Canada who works a normal job that plans on investing a few hundred dollars every month and hopefully by this date next year I can write a blog titled " Achieved my 1000 Steem coin goal". 

I also have invested $500 into the famous Bitconnect platform. I kind of feel now that i should have put that money into Steem first since the coins seem to be exploding right now but Trevon James and CryptoNick convinced me lol. I know that it seems like a ponzi scheme/ pyramid scheme but i felt that it was worth the risk. My next coin to invest it is definitely Steem and I plan on being in it for the long run (3-5) years maybe lifelong depending on how well this website does, if it becomes the next Facebook then I will be in Steem for life and hopefully retire because of Steem :P. 

I heard about Bitcoin years ago when it first came out when i was like 19-20 years old, I remember I used to always go to this little cheque cashing place at the corner of my street to get change and the young guy like 25-30 years old was always pretty cool. I have always had a dream of being rich and I was a young guy at the time so I thought this young banker dude would know about making money, I remember asking if there was anything that i should invest in and he mentioned bitcoin and what it was about saying what it was but it was too technical for my tiny teenage brain at the time, so obviously i didn't invest or this would be a completely different post lol. Also about 4 or 5  years ago i had saved up about $2000 and was looking what i should invest in and i had come across Bitcoin in my research ($200 roughly per coin at the time) . I remember seeing an article stating that a financial person was predicting bitcoin to become $100,000 someday. Now this time i remember the reason I did not get involved in Bitcoin was because i thought that the only way to obtain bitcoin was to mine it, and i tried to figure out what the hell mining was and how to do it but it seemed very complicated. Also i should mention that 4-5 years ago there was like ZERO youtube videos on Bitcoin and Cryptocurrency unlike the amount of info and videos there is today so I did not invest in Bitcoin again and wasted my money on some pointless stuff. I tell this story because I feel like I have missed the Bitcoin Train and I am going to make sure I do not miss the Steem Train.

Thank you everyone for reading my very first post on Steemit I hope that it wasn't too long. Follow me and i will follow you back, I hope that is not frowned upon on Steemit lol and if it is than please do not hesitate to let me know as well as letting me know any other tips that may be helpful to me, I would genuinely appreciate it. Also the picture I used is from my favorite T.V show at the moment, let me know if your a fan as well :P  Until my next post i will say what every investor in cryptocurrency loves to say "SEE YOU ON THE MOON".


Welcome to Steemit of you! Glad to have you on Steemit. Continue doing good post.
I wish you the best! Hope you gonna have fun with our community and see you soon.

@hien-tran Thank you for the encouragement and welcoming me to Steemit!

Hi @dantesteward succes for you
Nice untuk bisa melihat mu

#introduction nama saya @wanpelor saya from #aceh sumatra selamat datang di #steemit
Saya juga masih baru di #steem masih harus belajar dari senior2
Senang bertemu dengan kalian semua ..
Silahkan ikuti saya @wanpelor and upvote
Salem mebahgia ke rakan mandum

@wanpelor sorry my friend I can only read English so i only understand the first sentence which says "success for you" and im down with that Thank you and successs for you as well!

I see you don’t have a Steemit Profile Picture I made a post to make it simply to do. Here

Thank you for the tip @steemithard! Too bad i didnt come across your post first, I will work on putting up a picture by tonight. I was trying to be mysterious lol jk

Welcome to the steemit community from me @adimulyadi from indonesia, @dantestewart hope what you share and post is available in this steemit paltfrom. do not be saturated to work through every input available and get paid according to your work. welcome my return best for you

@adimulyadi Thank you! I will do my best to post things that are worth reading for the community and not post anything meaning less.

haha great post:) Hello and welcome to steemit :)

@djei.art22 Hello to you as well lol and thank you for welcoming me to Steemit and reading my post!

Keep it going! Hope you have fun on here!

A warm welcome to steemit, @dantestewart. Same as your experience, I learned about Steemit while researching about cryptocurrencies. I decided to join because this place is a good resource about anything. Hope you enjoy your time here :)

@wanderlass I find it kind of hard to find posts worth reading on here but Im a reddit guy lol, not trying to be a hater but i have found a few posts on here that ive liked just have to sift through a lot of posts. I plan on putting out the types of posts I would like to see on here. Thanks for the welcome!

Haha maybe it's because you're a reddit guy ;) I also read reddit especially if it's about cryptocurrency discussions/forums. I also like it there because people answer questions. On here, it's a variety of blogs and posts, still learning my way here :)

Reddit is amazing, it is the reason why I don't need Facebook, everything good on Facebook comes from Reddit but weeks later lol. Yeah you can find the answer to pretty much any question on Reddit, such a hidden gem on the internet. Yeah im starting to figure this site out as well, it seems like a very good place for new people to build a community. I like the fact that theres so much people from around the world on here, seems harder to connect to other parts of the world on Facebook, its nice!

I totally agree! I have deactivated FB and that's when I read more reddit. I realized it's more relevant and useful for me, the crypto guys there are so funny as well :) I was tired of FB, and happy to find this hidden gem called reddit.