
It's my pleasure, passion, and responsibility :) Everything with GEET has always been and will always be completely transparent, though seeing what is happening right now is comparative to a peep-hole view. The release and implementation of the technology are mutually dependent and therefore need to be a cooperative endeavor. In other words the units available for sale or free as plans work, but are not fully automated. In order to calibrate and engineer GEET retrofit kits for every piece of fuel-burning equipment, we need resources. The fact that the information is free has not been enough. The fact that the information is for sale has also not been enough. The one thing lacking (though not entirely) that would make it all work is "return to the source". A project I hope to give a second attempt soon is It's to be an information hub for GEET for everyone. There would be 4 sections: plasma gas liquid and solid. Plasma would be for researchers, gas for teachers and promoters, liquid for dealers and investors, and solid for consumers of the products and info, or something like that. the idea is to illustrate and organize the process of cooperation as a circle rather than pyramid. Plasma provides for gas provides for liquid provides for solid provides for plasma.

We've got 18 seats left for our workshop in a week and a half in Albuquerque. We've sold 2 seats. If we can get some more students then we'll be able to afford to bring more, have more progress, and share more... It just depends on engagement, and always has. Maybe the world is waiting for us, but we can't wait for the world, so I've also been building covered geodesic domes (for about 1/3 of the market value) in order to earn funds for GEET. That's slow going too though. GEET and geodesic domes are things nobody can live without, yet very few are acting on that information, so I'm stumped and that's why my answer is so complicated.

Well anyway, I am excited about the conference and the 2 students we do have signed up so far. I know things are on the way up...

...btw, sorry for my gloominess ...something else is weighing very heavy on my heart and mind.

Thanks for the details! If I lived closer I would go check it out for sure! Glad to hear about the domes too, and look forward to seeing more on those too. I haven't really looked at the GEET in a long time, I think at the time the plans weren't free, or didn't know all the info was available. But remember looking at a bunch of the reactor drawings and seeing some video replications other than your fathers. I am interested in revising the interest again, and really look forward to seeing where you take all this. Be strong through the gloominess brother, it never lasts, and there are exciting times ahead for all this technology! Bless!

Technology is a glorious thing, and the scientific method is also worthy of praise.

Despite the political dramas and societal turmoil, the scientific method shines through the dust.

However, the GEET institute has not responded to my desire to scientifically test their product.

I think that their engine is completely fraudulent, because according to all I know about science, the mechanics of their engine cannot work.

I would be happy to test a pre-built engine, that they've confirmed works for sure, but they do not respond to scientific inquiry. Be skeptical. Be safe. Be scientific.

"because according to all I know about science, the mechanics of their engine cannot work."
First off, that assumes Science has a perfect model already, and it doesn't claim too.........This is not "science", but is a biased opinion having nothing to do with any "scientific method".If the information is available, than build it yourself to the "T", and then test it. Were you expecting them to send you some motor to test? And why do you think they owe you anything ? Could it be that maybe most people in this field have come to ignore the super skeptical and demanding who can't even do their own experiments (from the already available info)while pounding on the "scientific method bible"? I know I have at times. I have been working on doing a post on here, one of these days, to help the super skeptics wrap their heads around how this is very much possible, and actually doesn't violate any laws (in short, most skeptics think in terms of closed loop system thermodynamics, instead of open loop thermodynamics, like heat pumps for example) . I'm not coming at you aggressively here, or trying to be a jerk, just some two cents of "real" talk, I suppose, was what I was hoping to offer with this response. I welcome you to follow me for real discussions on these as I post on them. I welcome your reasoning as long as it doesn't resort to ad hominem attacks in order to make points like most skeptics resort to in their "debunking" technique attempts. Have a great day, and know, even if we maybe wrong by your standards of science understanding, at least know most of us do have good intentions with this for the world. PEACE!

It should not be a problem to send me a motor, unless it was fraud.

I've made a post, and have contacted some high-reputation people who would be willing to test it.

If it cannot be tested, then I declare fraud.

You know they sell these right? Why are you so sure they didnt think you were a fraud that wanted to steal from them? How many corporations have you tried demanding a free product be sent to you for testing before?
What is your qualifications and types of test equipment do you have at your test lab? Last I checked, there are lots of people replicating these over the years, and buying them, and taking classes, and buying plans. If this was really fraud, you would have no shortage of victims willing to do something about it by taking legal action, right? Just my critical thinking on it.