Welcome to Steemit!
I am Daxinth, 32, living in Minnesota, and enjoying (or trying to) the weather.
I am an agorist, anarchist, voluntaryist, or however one would define a complete disagreement with the existence of centralized authority.
8 years in the army, part time, gave me a view I did not want, not even 2 years into my contract and I was reading about a candidate for President. Ron Paul.(This was 2007-2008) I was sold, completely, between my oath to the constitution and his penchant for being a strict interpreter, it fit and I believed his plans would really shake up America and bring about the change that, at the time was more than necessary.
Long story short, he lost a race but won something different, and in that I gained. The exposure of Austrian Economics, Philosophy of Liberty, and thanks to Larken Rose, the myth of authority helped me find my path to Konkin, Mises, Rothbard, Bastiat, Plato, Locke, and Spooner. (and countless more people like Tom Woods and Robert Murphy). Reading from this list is daunting at times, but awesomely rewarding.
I do not believe in controlling others, not on my own and definitively not through the atrocious violence used by the "State." I joined steemit to discuss topics of this sort, along with my enjoyment of good food (culinary school drop-out with mad retention skills:), philosophy, history, and a disdain for politics as a method for obtaining world peace.
I hope this post finds everyone as well as possible and wish all those on Steemit and around the world nothing but peace and prosperity.

Welcome to Steemit!
Welcome fellow minnesotan