Staking My Claim on the Digital Landscape

in #introduceyourself5 years ago (edited)

Greetings Steemians!

Well, this intro post has been a long time coming. I first caught wind of Steemit several years ago from an enthusiastic friend, @lovejoy, and was fascinated by the concept of a blogging platform that rewarded its users in digital money, but I was a crypto newbie. All I knew about cryptocurrency was that you could use something called Bitcoin to purchase illicit substances or services through the deep web, so Steemit was quite the revelation to me. With the intention of deepening my knowledge of cryptocurrency, I created an account, but before I had the chance to even draft my first post… I lost my password. Whoops!

So here I am, three-ish years later, ready for round two.

I’m a student by day, a barista (also by day), and in the moments between schooling and slinging coffee I spend my time writing, dancing, story collecting, and appreciating all things mystical and artistical. My hometown is Minneapolis, the most happenin’ place in the cold cold north. Apparently theres a solid community of steemians around these parts, often floating in and out of @caffetto where I’m currently drafting this post. Hey guys.

Screen Shot 2019-11-22 at 7.42.28 PM.png
Drafting up the post. Cred: supportive friend

I’ll be honest: posting online isn’t something I have much experience with. Even though my childhood was illuminated by the glow of computer monitors, I was reluctant from a young age to dive too deeply into the World Wide Web. I remember being ten years old and sending out a frantic mass email to all my contacts on why I thought the internet would lead to the downfall of humanity. [email protected] grieved preemptively over the loss of handwritten letters, cursed the government for poisoning our brains, and begged her unsuspecting friends not to be seduced by robots. The father of one of my friends gently pointed out, to my horror, the irony in this. From that moment on, I vowed to keep my feet firmly planted in physical reality.

Obviously that was harder than expected, and my determination eventually wore off. I was loyal to pen and paper until avoiding online assignments threatened my GPA and all my friends started using Instagram. The fear of missing out (fomo...crypto term, right?) drove me to set up a few online profiles, but I hardly took any gratification from sifting through selfies and awkward over-shares, and I rarely made any posts myself.

Don’t get me wrong, I’m definitely not here to preach against the evils of the internet. I’ve completely gotten over my aversion to spending time online. The internet is a fraught, manic place, but it isn’t evil. It is a reflection of both the ugliness and the beauty that we as a species are capable of creating. I have done a considerable amount of scrolling over the past few years, reveling in the madness. Ten year old me would be disgraced, but as a twenty year old college student, well, I’m not complaining. (I’m glad I could use Google to double check the meaning of the word “fraught,” rather than a dictionary.)

Now it's time for me to officially stake my claim on the digital landscape. The desire to contribute to the cyber-dimension is just too strong for me to deny. What better place to do that than on a platform that doesn’t let you delete posts? In all seriousness, I am actually super stoked about Steemit and crypto and blockchain and every prospective avenue I’ll find myself traveling down on this journey. Stay tuned for posts about anything from local artsy happenings to philosophical musings, and maybe the occasional poem or short story. This blog will surely evolve as I do.




It is great to have you in the community, @denouement!

It seems like you are a creative person, able to write and other art forms. Good for you!

If you plan to produce educational blog posts or do indie journalism you might find it helpful to submit your work in the HoboDAO contests. Check out the blog and learn about our contest system!

Welcome! Nice intro post. 👍 Enjoy your stay @denouement 🍀

Feel free to check out the tribes and tag your posts accordingly for some extra bit of reward tokens as well as exposure, you can use up to ten tags now. 🙂

Hello and welcome to Steem. It can be a bit confusing to get started with all the options and information flying your way. Take your time and don't get disheartened by the lack of post rewards after your initial intro post, that can be quite normal. The Steempeak front-end as nice functions for writers and set up Keychain to secure all your keys. For mobile Esteem is quite good and the Tribes are a great way to direct your content to those most interested, you can also earn other tokens as well as Steem by using their tags. (just some tips to get you started)
Wishing you a happy stay here and really enjoyed the word flow of your intro. ( A bit more alliteration for you)

Greetings and welcome back to Steemit. Hopefully it won't be another denouement for you but a great beginning and an adventure to learn something new. Good luck and keep writing.

Thank you! I hope so too.

Welcome to Steemit! It's really a great place for the enthusiast writers and for the people who want to share their good work with the world! :)

Bartender Sophia, exactly, the Internet is a tool, it is a reflection, like you said. Oh, excuse me, I mean madam barista. Technically, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Apple, Twitter, Amazon, etc, are tech cartels and some of them are like virtual monopolies in some ways. I love decentralization, blockchain, cryptocurrencies, IPFS, Bit Torrent, P2P, Ubuntu, Substratum, Steem, IWA, etc. Yeah, Google can help. Also, Duck Duck Go.

Right, maybe thats why I was so put off by the other social media sites. Too many overlord vibes. Thanks for the tip on Duck Duck Go, just googled it ;)

Yeah, well, I do miss MySpace which is still around by the way. We have Steemit, Gab, Minds, Bitchute, Brighteon, etc.

Welcome @denouement! Great to have you. I saw a @lovejoy Steemit tutorial happening at @caffetto last week. I didn't want to interrupt but very glad to see your introductory post. It's a great place. Welcome to the family!

Thanks for the warm welcome!

Welcome denouement!
eSteem is the application that improves your experience on Steem. You have full control over your data and content, unlike some apps we don't use our users to promote our application or services.

We have Mobile application for Android and iOS users. We also have developed Surfer Desktop application that helps you to gain new followers and stay connected with your friends, unique features - notifications, bookmarks, favorites, drafts, and more.
We reward our users with encouragement upvotes as well as monthly giveaways rewarding Spotlight top users and active Discord users.
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Welcome at long last, you marvelous mellifluous mystical maven! I hope you find a cozy home in this quadrant of the digital landscape. I’m glad you’re here. :) bless, be

Thats some powerful alliteration right there! Many thanks again :)

As coffee addict I'm not so sure I should get near a coffee slinger but, I like your writing style and look forward to more. Welcome to steem!

Well, I'd rather push herbal tea on people than coffee, so don't be too wary! Thanks for the welcome!

This post was resteemed by Newbie Resteem. A non profit group of volunteers on the Steem block chain who support content creators by promoting their work, as well as provide advice when needed. What a wonderfully written introduction. By the way you write it certainly seems you will do just fine here. If at any point you need a hand or have any questions then feel free to reach out. We are all about helping new users thrive. :)

Welcome to the blockchain, Sophia!

Congratulations @denouement! You have completed the following achievement on the Steem blockchain and have been rewarded with new badge(s) :

You published your First Post
You got a First Vote

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Vote for @Steemitboard as a witness to get one more award and increased upvotes!

Welcome to Steem denouement! Partiko is officially the fastest and most popular mobile app for Steem. Unlike other Steem apps, we take 0% cut of your earnings! You can also be rewarded with Partiko Points while using Partiko and exchange Partiko Points for upvotes!

Partiko for Android can be downloaded here on Google Play and the iOS version is available here on the App Store.

If you have more questions, feel free to join our Discord channel and ask, we're always here to help!

Thank you so much for your interest!

Hallo @denouement, herzlich willkommen auf Steemit.

Wenn Du Fragen zu Steemit hast, oder Dich mit anderen „Steemians“ austauschen magst, schau einfach mal auf unserem Discord-Chat unter vorbei. Mehr Informationen über den deutschsprachigen Discord-Chat findest Du in diesem Beitrag.

Wenn fehlende 'Ressource Credits' (kurz 'RC') verhindern, daß du auf Steemit vernünftig interagieren kannst, dann melde Dich einfach mit einer kurzen Beschreibung oder Bewerbung im Channel #Delegationsbewerbung des oben genannten D-A-CH Discord. Dort werden eventuelle Unterstützer schneller auf Dich aufmerksam.

Wenn Du auf Deutsch schreibst, verwende immer #deutsch als einen der 5 Hashtags, um Deine Reichweite zu erhöhen.

Unter dem folgenden Link findest Du einige Anleitungen, die Dir den Einstieg in das Steem-Universum deutlich erleichtern werden: Deutschsprachige Tutorials für Steemit-Neulinge: Ein Überblick

Welcome to steemit @denouement.

Welcome the new steemians. Have a great day!

I feel your pain on the losing of the password. I'd joined about 2 years ago and promptly lost my password. I'd written it down wrong I guess. I was doing it on my phone.

This time, however, I did it on my laptop and printed everything out. And importing keys with the QR code makes things much easier with the phone.

Goodday and Welcome to the great community of Steemit, Sophia
YESS You are a new Steemian now! Well I guess you know a few people here but I just want to extend the info that we do with all newbie arrivals
I saw your #introduceyourself and its nice to meet you. We haven’t met before but that changes right now. Dont let all the replies and bots scare you.
Just comment if you get scared and i Will help out.
If you download the app Steemify for notifications you see what Will happen in your account.
Blogging, building and uplifting eachother is what steemit is and what its all about on this blockchain. The best part is that you could earn money to.

I love blogging, But always be carefull with all your passwords, Never give those up !!

The Steemify App I use is great, it is available in the Appstore and free, go cheque it out. Or read this blog‬
I wish you good luck with steeming and I Will See you around🍀
Good luck with your journey and may you find here what you are looking for.
Just remember that all good things come in good time and never giving up is THE key to big succes on Steemit.

Please vote for a witness to. You have 30 votes and if you dont understand let me know and i Will help. Also you could join the SteemTerminal Discord.
Or visit @heyhaveyamet #HHYA and My friend @xcountytravelers for more newbies exposure in the beginning very important.

Let me know if this was helpfull or you need more help, I am in Discord too @ brittandjosie3488
Greeting from the Netherlands
@ Brittandjosie
steemterminal discord invite

Welcome to steemit.. waiting for your another wonderful article

Posted using Partiko Android

Welcome to steemit, hope you have a great experience here, I´ll be watching your blogs, keep writing! c:

Welcome to the Steem blockchain! I hope you enjoy your time here while earning a little crypto in the process! Fabulous intro, by the way!

Welcome to the Steemit community @denouement!
We sincerely hope you find everything you are looking for and have found a new home here.

Eight suggestions to consider:

  1. Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
  2. Use your active key only for wallet transactions, keychain and steemconnect,
  3. The master password is only used to reset compromised passwords,
  4. DO NOT lose your passwords; copy and store offline,
  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit,
    be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own.
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once, and
  7. When you open your, in the upper right corner of the page there are 3 bars. Click on those, and then on the "welcome", and you will get a lot of reading material that will help you.
  8. Do NOT open any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.

I found you because @xcountytravelers and @brittandjosie from @heyhaveyamet presented and promoted your publication to get more exposure and help you grow faster.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and need some guidance, or if you have any questions, there are informed Steemians available who can help you; you can click to go to the Steem Terminal in Discord here:


Have fun and happy Steeming!

Welcome aboard dear friend! We are happy to have you. My only wish is that you would have jumped on board earlier.😁 If you enjoy blogging and great community you came to the right place. My name is @johndoer123 and the @doer-minnows project is for new Steemians. We do all we can to help our new members to understand the Steem ecosystem, grow their accounts, make new friends, find communities they will enjoy and offer support in any way we can. If you continue to create quality posts such as this one eventually you will do wonderfully here. One suggestion i make to all new members here, is not to focus at all on the money...focus on making connections and meeting new people. The money will follow if you stay dedicated and always strive to create great content. If you have any additional questions or need anything or just want to swing by to say hello, please feel free to visit our discord group JohnDoer and friends by clicking that link.
I hope you have a wonderful week and thank you for choosing to make yourself a part of of beautiful family.

Its bittersweet. Technology and internet. I have a love hate love with it. In any rate, welcome to Steemit and Steem blockchain. Dont worry about drafting post. Youll learn just by engaging. Also I myself havent used it yet but steempeak seems to be really popular for people who want a more intuitive experience. By the way, my name is Francesca @prettynicevideo. Nice to meet you. I would love a coffee!!!!

Please do continue blogging. This was a really good start. If you are needing any help know how to go about things in the Steemispher, you can contact the @steemterminal either online or in discord. The discord server can be reached by clicking the banner below.