Hi, Steemit! My name is Elena, I want to get acquainted with you and at the beginning I will tell about myself!
I was born in Russia in Krasnodar, near the city of Sochi where the Olympic Games in 2014. I like the native country very much, but I will tell about it another time=)! The main thing not to fall headfirst
I was married whole half of year, any my friends weren't carried quicker, it is a record=)! I have three higher educations, my parents probably thought that I am very clever and said to me to go to study, and I went as the idiot!
What for? I don't know =)!
But it it not the end of my idiocy=), my parents continued to think that I am super clever girl and said to me to go to good and stable work, and I went again! As a result I have worked in public service 3 years! I went to work and cried! Not so all of course was terrible, but I the didn't love work! On days off there was a tattooed girl with friends in clubs, and on weekdays the lady with office clothes! Look at my happy face=))
When you goes crazy at work with friends
And, oh my God, on strange combination of circumstances, at the beginning of January, 2016 I have gone to Thailand, to the island Phangan, I had to stay three weeks there and come back home, but on stranger circumstances I remained there!
And from this point all mine lives has exchanged, I have come back home in half a year, having lived some time in Thailand,
in Bali
It was the thirst and last attempt to surf! OMG)))!!!
and having visited Singapore
and Malaysia.
Аnd now again I leave, and find out soon where! And I don't even know this history what to begin with! I need to write the book to transfer all the emotions, but I want to share with you my new cool life and some moments=)!
When you and your familu have similar clothes
And it is sad for me, that I can't describe all my emotion in English, as in my native language, but I will try=)! I want to visit a lot of countries to choose for myself the best place and stay to live there, I want to meet a lot of people to be on friendly terms with them! Maybe we will meet someone from you=)! I have begun to have the blog in Instragram (el_devyataeva) and YouTube, I will be very glad to see you there, welcome to my world!
Drive forward and don't stop!
Let's see:
attractive girl - check
traveling - check
introduction - check
I better vote this up.
Its the perfect ratio!!
Hahaha :) Is this how it works?
thanks a lot))
WOW... sparkling beauty energetic fun :)
Oooo... Thanks))
Welcome :)
hey we're familiar ! YOU rap !
Dima is rap! Rap inside))))
I would love to visit Thailand it looks so beautiful.

Your pictures are great! Nice post
This is me :)
thank you)
Hi Devyataeva, welcome!

Nice boo....post, glad to have you around here.
Hello, thanks)
Nice!, Welcome !
Welcome to the #steemit community!
it's nice to have an intelligent funny amazing cute girl like you
so , welcome elena it's nice to have here in steemit
i am glad to read it, thank you)
Welcome to Steemit
thank you!
Hello Elena!
Greetings from Romania!
selfie stick))))))))! Thaks and nice to meet you)
Glad to have you aboard, devya! I encourage you to use the tags "truecrypto" and "craigrant" for more visibility moving forward.
Take care and good luck learning on here!
ok, thanks)
These boobs will bring her lots of votes ! Wanna bet ?
You really think so))??
Welcome to Steemit. Good Luck on your posts. Here is my introduction if you want to check it out.
Hi, thanks, checked your post)
Stunning beauty! Welcome!
Thank you)
Beatiful girl
I'm sure I don't need to invite you to the #MinnowsUnite Chat.
Great post, nice to meet you and thanks for sharing.
OMG!! Its terrible)))
Hi)! Tkank you so much)