INTRODUCE my name is dewi

Assallamualaikum . .dear stemian regards know me newcomer in steemit my name siti dewi anisa daily work for flower ordering & flower makeup

IMG-20180111-WA0010.jpgo yes I introduced steemit by @parlo he said I fit to play steemit because in my shop a lot of flowers to be told to all stemian

for my senior stemian respect to my new senior here please understand if something goes wrong :)

hopefully I can help steemit more developed and progressing rapidly. .

Greetings all :)


hello @dewi.anisa and welcome to steemit!

this is a great place with a great community .. glad to have you.

Folow kmbali y,,dudah d vote

Selamat bergabung dewi anisa , di stemit team senoga lancar dan berjaya selalu.