Indroduce ahmad fadhil @dhil first time on steemit

in #introduceyourself7 years ago

Hi, good morning friends stemians, introduce my name is Ahmad Fadhil, Bireun Aceh, Indonesia is the place I live and grew up, me. I was born on 01 July 1996, I am currently 21 years old. I love expressing what I see through the media of photography and writing as a blogger so other people can also see what I see and participate in the fun too, of course. I am therefore very enthusiastic to enroll and join in steemit.Steemit is a BlockChain that can develop talent in terms of photography, write ,draw , explore the beauty of nature and others, as said my friend @fauzi03 . I like to write about funny things and about aceh culture. And I am also a football player.


So a little introduction of me, hope all the friends stemians can motivate me in writing. Thank you



Hi, selamat pagi sahabat stemians, perkenalkan nama saya Ahmad Fadhil, Bireuen Aceh Indonesia merupakan tempat saya tinggal dan dibesarkan, saya. Saya lahir tanggal 01 juli 1996, saat ini saya berusia 21 tahun.
Saya senang mengekspresikan apa yang saya lihat melalui media fotografi dan tulisan seperti di sebuah bloger agar orang lain juga bisa melihat apa yang saya lihat dan ikut senang juga tentunya. Maka dari itu saya sangat antusias untuk mendaftarkan diri dan bergabung di steemit.

Saya senang menulis tentang hal - hal yang lucu dan tentang kebudayaan aceh. Dan saya juga seorang pemain sepak bola.
Sekian sedikit perkenalan dari saya, semoga semua teman - teman stemians dapat memotivasi saya dalam menulis. Terima kasih Steemit adalah sebuah BlockChain yang dapat mengembangkan bakat dalam segi fotografi, menulis ,menggambar , mengeksplore keindahan alam dan lain sebagainya, seperti yang dikatakan teman saya @fauzi03 .



Selamat datang di steemit temanku @dhil. Saya tunggu karya terbaik kamu disini. Semoga dapat menghasilkan karya-karya yang menarik. Saya siap membantu

Pue ka peugah nyan gam...

Welcome to steemit dhil! I hope you find a home in our community!

A new Steemian :-) hello @dhil I hope you enjoy your time here, its a great community ! Nice post, wish you much luck! I will follow your account. Don't hesitate to contact or follow me at any time :-) See you around @tradewonk

selamat datang @dhil, semoga sukses di steemit

Hi, @Dhil, Let me welcome you to Steemit. Hope you gonna have fun with our community. Feel free to follow me @rightuppercorner Have a great time @rightuppercorner

Nice introduction post! Glad you made it onto this platform. It’s going to change your life, hope you have a good time. If you have any doubts, you can always join and ask for #help.

Welcome to Steemit! Enjoy the wonderful community here

Welcome sir! Show me what life is like on you side of the world.

hi. how are you?
Welcome here on steemit.
What do you do there?

Welcome , Hoping to see more of you plays on your blogs. ^_^ Followed you.
Best regards, @robin-ho

Nyan bereh ureung tuha, ka follow long beh bah ku upvote atrakah.

Hi Fadhil! Selamat bergabung di steemit yaa. semoga kita bisa saling membagi ilmu ya. Lets useful for others! jangan lupa upvote n follow yaa @imaacsa

Kalah perkenalan diri mu sama ku bg wkwkwk @dhil