- ATTENTION - consideration of tags required.
This post cannot be tagged as introduceyourself !!
Please leave this category and space free for new people posting their self-introduction!!
I will remove the red flag as you cancel the the introduceyourself tag!!
It won't let me take it down. All I'm doing is introducing new members. I thought that's what the tag was for. In the future I won't use it but I don't understand.
introduceyourself tag should be used only for self-introduction - each tag have its own page on steemit.com - if you guys post everything there on introduceyourself, no more visibility for new people.
note article delete is not required
1st Step
Click edit on your post - delete first all tags, save
2nd Step
Edit article again - now you should be able to put your new tags
What do you mean all tags and save? Steemit won't let me save anything if I don't have a tag.
Sorry I'm not very tech. I'm ashame to say this but I need you to tell me in very simple language.
... delete all tags. put steemit tag. save.
then edit. put other tags save.
save means update..right?
hi sib, yes