Bitshares is a decentralized exchange that trades in Bitshares and other fiat assets like BitUSD, BitEuro, BitGOLD ect. It's basically like having your own decentralized banking service distributed. It's after than most wallets due its decentralized nature. It's where I keep all my wallets. If you want to check it out use this link: I can't wait for you to get started @digitokash
Bitshares is a decentralized exchange that trades in Bitshares and other fiat assets like BitUSD, BitEuro, BitGOLD ect. It's basically like having your own decentralized banking service distributed. It's after than most wallets due its decentralized nature. It's where I keep all my wallets. If you want to check it out use this link: I can't wait for you to get started @digitokash