Hello folks!

Hello folks!

My name is Marija and I’m sending greetings from Southeast Europe, where Sava meets Dunav (Danube) river. Hope you don’t need more than a minute to guess where I am. I also hope that everybody will find something interesting for themselves in my future posts.
At the beginning, I can tell you that I’m interested in lots of things, so it’s probably that I’d forget to mention something. I got a degree in physics which is my passion and I can literally see it everywhere. I strongly believe that everyone is interested in art, like I am. Whether it's music or a movie or a photography, it doesn’t really matter.
I’d describe myself as shy person but I can be talkative. Lord Byron said:

"But words are things, and a small drop of ink,
Falling like dew, upon a thought, produces
That which makes thousands, perhaps millions, think."

My favorite sound is sound of nature, favorite ringtone “Rise up” by Eddie Vedder which is composed for the movie “Into the Wild”, favorite movie “Apocalypse Now”, favorite taste domestic strawberry jam made by my mom, favorite animal horse, but I adore Siberian huskies.


Beekeeping is my hobby which I learned from my dad. As a girl I dreamed of having a radio station in a lighthouse. Maybe in some post, I’ll share with you my experience working as a music editor. Mountaineering is my recently found passion and I will take you with me on a journey through my country and maybe even somewhere higher. Nanga Parbat is high on my list.



If you’re asking yourself what is the meaning of my profile picture, I’d recommend you to listen to the Pink Floyd's song “Welcome to the Machine”.
Hope you share some interests with me. If you do, stay with me and if you not give me thumb up, because that’s how you support diversity. :)

If you find time today, watch “Bridge over the river Kwai” and you will whistle like I did while I was writing this intro. Have a nice day, whenever you read this. :)



Nice to meet you, @divisionbell! Welcome to Steemit!

thank you! see you around! :)

Wow great profile!Welcome to steemit! You will love it here. Take a look at my posts, im interested in beauty, life, photography, take care x @diljeetdil x

thanks! Hope you will like mine. :) i wll try to be creative

I will look out for your next posts x

Добро нам дошла, Марија @divisionbell! Слободно пиши и текстове на српском, бићеш на следећој листи српске језичке заједнице :)


hvala za podrsku i savete :) moj palac gore sad ne vredi nista, al bice bice :)

О, вреди итекако, @divisionbell. То је зрнце које посејеш при упознавању, и из кога израсту чудеса! Хвала ти за глас :)

:) nadam se da cu opstati, hvala


ahahah, very funny! :)

Welcome from the United States.

Thank you, Bobby Wayne! :)

Pozdrav Marija i dobrodošla. :)

Hvala! nadam se da ce biti zanimljivo :)

Very good introduction.
So...you making honey from alpin flowers?

thank you
no, it can be acacia honey or meadow honey, but regular flowers

I like acacia honey and from wild flowers in the forest. I have one other, but I cannot find the word in english, something from oak or christmas tree

i believe that you mean on evergreen trees

Dobrodošla Marija :) Želim ti puno uspeha na ovoj platformi. Uživaj ! :)

Najlepse hvala! :)

Welcome! Any friend of sve is a friend of mine. :-)

Thank you! :)

Dobro nam dosla :)))