This is for myfriend DJMauler whos locked out of his steem account and road runner who shot himself in the head because he wouldnt do what the big standover guy's were trying to make him do. RIP road runner

This is for myfriend DJMauler whos locked out of his steem account. He was the first one to notice a steem phishing site he just wanted to download steem and blog and chat with his friends and play some cool games. He tried to download steam but stopped, reading the phished site he realised i have no time to lose im reporting this site to Norton. before doing AVGNY thing else. AVG anaylsed the site and the malicious download and stopped it in it's tracks. Many peoples accounts were saved. DJMauler lost his steem account lost his computer, He couldnt play no games or operate the computer. Endless day after day reinstalling windows 7 ony to have it fail. AVG killed my computer for 3 months. It took him 3 months to figure out when AVG installed then memory issues started and no app's could be installed no app's would run. Damn it reformat reinstall windows again he had a nervous breakdown everyday for 3 months not being able to install windows and steem it. He had to buy 2 laptops just to be able to use the internet.
His laptop theother day failed to work they hacked him again, he fed the sound through to the mic and speakers so it feedsback and turned it into a screaming loud feedback alarm, took him 6 hours with the laptop SCREAMING at him to be able to login. anything important wentto cold offline storage, so his work wouldnot be compromnised.
The money he lost in no computer access to the internetfrom crypto coin investments, trading in alt coins mainly old coins abnd bitcoin were many and numerous. Trading on Bittrex he saw 5 or 6 BTC dissappear from his account he looked at the logs, downloaded the orders records and saw 5.1 BTC of feathercoin sold but no BTC appeared in his BTC wallet,took screenshots, countless support chat requests and emails explaining what happened, they fail to correct the error. His quick thinking and reporting the phished steem it site has cost him dearly. He has had to suffer untold pains for his quick thinking that saved many steem it users accounts being compromised. I didnt realise the war on terror is so difficult to just plainly survive. error in terror. He'd like to blogposts about crypto currency and bitcoin andshare his knowledge so you can do well in what ever you pursuit to do.
First thing first Don't google your steem it account or bitcoin echange site or bank site or anything to do with business and money. They way they phish you is you type in google steemit, they clone the google request phishit with a clone of googlesearch so you click on a link to steemit but when you enter your details they get acccess to your steemit or bank or bitcoins. Thats how the fed's have been doing it stealing all the dark web and silk road bitcoins. People do not google search in firefox your important steemit or your bitcoin trade exchange site or your banking, instead type the entire address in the bar url bar uptop, its hard but you have to remember to spell those important addresses start practicing safe secure browser logins. You can also just load the bookmark, but i like remembering how to spell so it exercises my memory not to forget useful things.
Thanks Dj mauler for saving all those steemit accounts from your fast quick ninja skills and reacting quick to notify the proper outside agency to put a stop to the invasive cheap hack against steemit. What a shame they destroyed your computertothe point where you cant access AVG free to be installed on your computerfor free secure virus protection.15 years he's been using AVG, now he can't what ever it is you've done to compromise his work, stop it.
everyone showyour support for DJmauler and tellhim thanks we still believe in you.