Thanks a lot for the only real feedback and comment I've received.
I really like the fact that you actually seem to have at least skimmed over my first post before replying.
And instead of just "Hey! Welcome! Check me out!" you posted something that can actually be useful.
For example I didn't even think about using private posting key instead of owner key.
I wouldn't say I put A LOT of effort into my first post - it was the reason I decided to register steemit account in the first place.
I find everyone who I speak with about cryptocurrencies or even anyone who speaks about them online - on youtube or whatever - they never mention this.
People seem to have forgotten WHY bitcoin even exists. So I already knew what I wanted to write about, first of.
But you are right. I did put some effort, as well as thought and time into writing it. I tried to make it readable and not go too in-depth about any single matter, etc. To keep it rather easy to read.
And seeing that my posts didn't get ANY traction really is off-putting. Like - I get it that I wouldn't get any comments or likes or any sort of real engagement. But just a single click-trough or two while I'm still on "new" page would be nice... Especially between these obviously botted replies.
Getting an actual reply really is fresh.
So, yeah - thanks again. I appreciate your reply and tips. I guess I will check out the steem chat thing as well. :)
Also I agree about what you say about steemit as cryto currency and this is an important point. There are new generations of cryptocurrency that give more value to the concept, other than the proof that it works.
But that doesn't take value away from Bitcoin, it only strengthens it from my point of view. Even if Bitcoin loses its monetary value - by spawning Steemit, Ethereum etc. it has gained more value that money itself can buy.