@daut44 Right on, you posted in introduce yourself. Too bad you couldn't just change your tag because the original thread was so badass!! I learned and had more fun talking to you in that one post than I have my whole entire time on steemit. No offense to you other steamers but this dude is straight up interesting.
If you don't mind and with your permission , is it OK if I blog about your introduceyourself. If there is one thing I find value in its information and stories and you have a sh#it ton of both. No one really follows me or listens to my posts but people need to hear your stories. I have always wanted to be a professional poker player but I chose the music and trading route instead. Also, the more people who follow you means the more you post which in turn means I get to hear more stories and insights into your techniques and mental state. I'm alturistic and love my fellow man but I would be lying if I didn't admit I'm doing it so you post a lot and I can pick your mind about this upcoming basketball season. Just let me know if it's cool and I will do it. I will never shill my own post and the blockchain will attest to that but I really want you to get some exposure on here.
Yup go right ahead! Appreciate it
Word. I will do it if this post isn't huge by tomorrow morning. I hate to shill because it's not in my character and like I said earlier, no one really follows me or reads my posts but if one person who is interested in games, poker, gambling, mathematics and sports learns about this thread I will have done my job.
Back to that bluff. What did you put him on when you reraised and then what did you put him on when he went over the top and bluffed you? I have to know!
I thought he had missed hearts when he bet and thought he had missed hearts when he shoved. I actually tanked a while, mostly hollywooding, but thinking that I didnt believe him and that I wish I could call haha
Right on. This story is especially rad because you beat him. He never should have showed you those cards, you made him pay for that later when you took first. I look forward to more of your stories and can't wait for basketball season. I don't really gamble on sports I just want to hear what you think of my Lakers once this season starts. Whats your favorite basketball team? Please don't say the warriors.
Replying here since I couldn't reply on other comment on phone. Don't really have a favorite team since my allegiance shifts based on who I play that day in daily. But my favorite players are demarcus cousins and westbrook, and gun to my head favorite team was thunder last year
Right on. Westbrook is my favorite player right now too! Don't tell my Lakers. He might me one on the most talented athletes I have ever seen. When I watched him play in that game where he got a triple double in one half my mind was blown. Of course you know my favorite player is Kobe and that goes without saying. Even if you take away all his accomplishments his shear willpower and determination alone would make him my top player. Some of my favorite moments; are the two free throws with the torn achilles, 81, when he choose to pass instead of shoot in game 7 of the NBA finals against Boston (my favorite moment in sports history) and of course 60 on his last game of his career. That game was completely insane, I was smiling for two weeks after that once in a lifetime performance.
I like Kyrie Irving too, he has that mamba mentality as does Westbrook.