Welcome to Steemit! Great intro post!
What was that drew you to North America in particular? The reason I ask is because I moved to Canada to settle there permanently, as an immigrant due to the better opportunities that are available here. I grew up in Europe and I'm very happy with my choice of Canada, although I did consider Australia and New Zealand as an immigration choice as well. What I've noticed is that a lot of Australians and New Zealanders have a deep curiosity about North America and many come here on working holiday visas and then find a way to stay here. At the same time, a lot of native-born Canadians have a deep fascination with Australia and New Zealand and would really love to do what you're doing but in reverse. It's a little hard for me to fathom why, as I came to Canada for the economic opportunities but native-born Canadians, Australians, New Zealanders already have that. So what drove you to come to Canada?
Thanks very much! I'm excited to be here.
The main draw for me in the beginning was the snow. It looked so magical over here. It was something so new to me. Now it's the mountains. They create such a beautiful energy that I just can't get enough of. The landscape here is out of this world.
I'm definitely keen to explore New Zealand as well as I've heard it's quite similar.