Welcome. I'm only about 12 days ahead of you here. I can easily relate to your views. My experience may differ than yours but I find this platform to be a refreshing change from others. First, I started out not knowing anyone here, so no preconceived notions or perceptions from or of anyone here. Second, there is a lot to learn related to the platform but so much more. The positive energy displaces a lot of negativity which cannot be avoided where crowds of people gather. I've found a higher level of intelligence residing here overall, great interactions and a willingness to allow others to disagree, usually without too much mud slinging (imagine that!) I originally got involved because of potential material benefit and I only feel more confident in that now, simply because I find my focus naturally migrated to something even more valuable: The human interactions, sharing daily / seasonal rituals, stories, art, literature, health.. Items you mentioned. Life. I think you'll like it here.
Thanks for the insightful welcome!