The Dragon Anarchist Is On Steemit, THANKING Its Founders!

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My name is Amanda Rachwitz, and I am a social media anti-political voice for the philosophy of Voluntaryism/Anarchism, as well as a writer and speaker in the community of liberty lovers who are passionate about helping create a freer world through voluntary exchanges.

I support all things that move individuals towards freedom and evolving away from the out-dated and harmful notion of coercing humans by way of various forms of government.

After hearing about Steemit through The Dollar Vigilante, Jeff Berwick, I decided to check it out.
I am familiar (though not an expert) with Bitcoin and the gist of blockchain technology, so after reading TheWhitePaper here on Steemit and watching my friend Sterlin Luxan's video about the basics of this platform, I have to give a MASSIVE SHOUTOUT and THANK YOU to Steemit's founders:

Ned Scott, Daniel Larimer, Michael Vandenberg, Benjamin Johnson, James Calfee, Valentine Zavgorodnev, TO ALL OF YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH for creating this!!!

I may not fully grasp the mechanisms of it all the way yet, but I know enough to know how absolutely amazing this idea is, and I do grasp the major economic implications of this.

This is the next major step in helping to take humans further away from merely surviving towards the freedom of THRIVING.


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Welcome Amanda. 2$ Steem. Back up the truck!

Right on @dragonanarchist. Glad you joined up, this seems right up your alley. Dig the quotes too.

thank you very much!!! :)

Welcome aboard. I like your username, sounds firey.

@dragonanarchist Welcome aboard! BTW, make sure to check the rep system and watch out for it. This place is anything but an anarchy, despite all views being welcome so long as they post in the correct areas. :)

Thank you for sharing this, Amanda Rachwitz.
I wholeheartedly agree, this is the future!

I'm your 100th upvote! :) Just got on. Don't have alot yet on my end of the chain but will be working on it tonight. Thanks for opening my eyes to steemit!

~Neo Khan

nice seeing you on here Amanda! looking forward to see more of your work!

Thank you for this post is very helpful

Great to see you here, I also credit Mr. Berwick for me being on this site.

Thank you for introducing me to Steemit too, it seems like just the social media platform I'm looking for.

What up girl? It's your boy, the Indomitable CT Jaynes! Just started on here! Rock on!

Your Facebook post got me here and signed up. Facebook was getting frustrating, I have hope for this.

Glad to see you here, dragon! Looking forward to this. What a great platform!

Welcome on board and all the best from Germany!

Loved the interview with you, Larken Rose and Jeff Berwick. The idea of building a separate way of life to just go around the old system is thrilling! No need for violence :-) It's so freeing. Thank you for sharing your intellect, your passion, because we all need it.

This is a clear, straightforward explanation of what makes anarchism important.
Thanks for your unflinching clarification !!

Hi Rachel. I just heard you and Larkin Rose's interview with Jeff Berwick. Keep up the great work and thanks for being you, and not the person who society was grooming you to be.