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RE: Introducing myself on Steemit – Know me! I’m ARCAYART

Hi arcayart,

I like your drawings and as I’m having some free time I’ll be over them...

I came here as my friend @madlenfox resteemed your post which is a nice introduction. To start with I would recommend you using the #palnet #creativecoin tags on your posts as they will give you more exposure. I would also recommend you taking a look to this amazing project of my friend @fraenk #googlyeyes :

I don’t know if you like music but you can also come to my project #mytunes and share some. Here the link

Discord is a good way to find people that can help and will also help noticing your content, I’ll invite you to some servers I visit frecuently: (Creative Coin server) , (Steem Terminal server), ( Caturday project server for cat lovers like me ), (The Ramble server )

You’ll most probably find me on the #googlyeyes server : where I live 😜

You’re more than welcome to this community and wish you finally the best.
“Follow your dream...”
hugsWell there are many cool projects and servers, @madlenfox can inform better than me of those based on drawings and art but those I cited above are worth to visit.