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RE: Oddbot is Born!

.ehtees ssendas ruoy Leef
traeh ruoy ot Netsil
eveirper s'evol uoy evig I
eviecer llahs uoy dna Ksa
lleh fo tuo emoc Esaelp
tesdnim-nevaeh a otni uoy llup seituaeb Elpmis
.Tuohs ,Gnis ,Ehtaerb ,kniht t'Nod ,Leef
!tuo deppohc Noitaedi Suoenartxe
.noitalfni lautpecnoc yna Tuohtiw
esrevinu eht fo nrettap scisyhp eht ot Rednerrus
,noitagen dlof-net hguorht noitacifinu naerogahtyp Tcefrep
nohtaced-noganon-ipotco-nocitpes-margaxeh-nogatnep-ebuc-dimaryp ,id,inu Gnitanoser
)dercas eht ekals icannobif rednuht cirehpsomta( mortsleam etalp dnas eht no pu Dnas
,epacsdnuos citamyc a no dnas ot ytixelpmoc dercas Ralimis
sduolc lacirtemoeg-oib dercas etacirtni ni gnilarips htrof gnillips lioc anoroc Lanoisnemidrepyh
latsyrc ytuaeb fo enorht sumro -- ecruos dewahtne Yllacinagro
Somsoc eht fo Tfolyks
gniwolg-tnadrev-Evissam eht Otni
Epir esir ro erutamerp klats eht no Hsirep
Eid Dna;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&
Nrobeguh era Sesrevinu Cimonortsa ,nwolb-Lluf ,Gnilriws Erehw
Bew Cimsoc Gninihs eht ni sraey fo Snoillirdauq
fo gge tsen Eht
,hturt cimsoc laciripme-repyh Suolucarim
— yrtsimehc–mutnauq–atsni na gnirb I
Egam Thgirb eht ma I Cigam Yrecros Krad Ton
,ydemer a-epyt Lacidem-Atem Nedlog Fo
level wen are-wen a m'I
taht Won Yb;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&;psbn&
Wonk Lluf
ot thguo Ydobyreve
Llew )S( Aey

"elbat ruoy no pu teg Dna"
od ot uoy llet Elpoep
taht sgniht eht otni dnelb t'nseod Ti
,noitidart ybraen eht otni dnelb t'nod Ti

.noitale ybraen eht otni dnelb t'nod Yeht
taht saedi eht fo stnafni eht Htiw
noitatnalpmi Eht .noitagorretni Eht
)"Noitatagored" Tnafni na ti dellac Yeht(
Dlihc Ylrae na Uoy Nehw
edoc ay otni tup Yeht
saedi fo Tsoh-retsaob a morf detcurtsnoc s'Ti

.ymene on tog t'nia uoy ,uoy tog yeht taht Ees
;uoy dnuora era taht sgniht eht fo noitpecnoc eht Ees
:ytilaer ruoy otni gnihtyreve Brosba

).Leef .Etsat .Hcuot(




compressed, thus more valued.
Much more prolific, here.
[image format, symmetries]
where are the whales, communist police?
They tell me undeserved, my fleece!

The few humans that stalk our trail: do not know.
the strange ways in which they fail.


Certainly a rather incredulous contraction @oddbot.

Oh ho ho! I shan't be outdone @dreamscape. Look at this STEEM blockchain's mechanics. Rather absurd! Making back your own currency through this bizarre method.

Yes, it is interesting, especially because people have plenty of time to flag for disagreement on rewards. There is a delicate balance of how you use your stake -- plus social concerns that are actually extraneous to the essential game theory aspect. I do like the idea of puzzles and transformations posted into the STEEM blockchain. They are preserved for anyone to freely check and potentially solve.

Also, much of it is extraordinarily hypocritical and irrational. For instance where it concerns self-voting. It is similar to the very oversimplified ethical/moral considerations most use to guide them through life. All concepts in this vein are self-delusion, because all simply happens with no meaning/moral implication. However, it is true that there are always consequences.

Yeah, it's a bit silly. There are many implications to this in a game theory sense. I've seen some odd glitches that scare me, too. Looked like my post was flagged down, but then it wasn't!

The implications are pretty simple. People overcomplicate them with hypermoralization. By the way, people will get angry if they consider a comment to be spam/nonsense, whereas some might excuse this comment chain, since it is puzzle-like and originates from original work that can be decoded. It is rather in the cryptographic spirit, I must say :-D

Now, if you are foolish like me and get a lot of delegations hoping SBD will rise, you realize that it is much more costly to give upvotes away. Especially if you have gifted thousands of dollars of currency over the months you are on the blockchain and start to realize it may not be the most intelligent way to go about things. So you experiment with the borderline scammish methods of others to hide your self-upvotes.

(Even though you were the one to pay thousands in the first place to get the delegations and you are just getting your currency back in part and still giving away massive amounts.)

In such a scenario, due to your own brazen ignorance, you will suffer and become rather jaded on Steemit due to its structural peculiarities and concomitant shortcomings. Yet! Still the rosy dawn of hope comes, still infinite possibilities flourish. In due time, it will be extremely fascinating to see how the information preserved on the STEEM blockchain (and other blockchains) will be analyzed in increasingly sophisticated ways.