The enlightenment experience, so far...

My story started in the middle of March 2016. I was working as a night shift manager at a frozen food distribution supplier. I am married, we have one child, and with everybody who has ever worked night shift knows.. you don't get to see much of your family. Then round about the 21 March 2016 I decided to get out of it all! I did not know what i wanted to do or how I was gonna earn a salary, all I knew was that I needed to be with my family.

So, I left my very good paying job. I still had a great amount of savings that could have lasted maybe four months, without me needing to find a job that quickly. So there I was, bored during the first 2 weeks of me out of the "rat race". What do do..? So I hit the internet and started browsing a lot of content. And with me just hitting the mouse clicking on everything, not really reading, something cought my eye..meditation.. As such I decided to read up about it, and then eventually tried it . And WOW!!! what an experience! I did not know that there was this vast amount of peace, tranquility and bliss inside of me! And all I needed to do, was to be still, let go of my thoughts and look deep inside me. Total peace and stillness. And to thought I used to go on expensive holidays just to relax, when all I needed to do was just to look inside of myself...

Now mediation was just the first. I read a lot especially about the questions everyone ask them self at one point in their lives..
That being the questions of who am I really, and what is my purpose, or goal in life. Well I found the answers, all or most of them online. When one cannot find the answers to life just by talking to yourself, you need search, and damn did I found some answers! So, I now know what most people already knew. I realized that somewhere in my life I heard about it but probably just shrug it away. But let me not bore you with the questions I asked and let me only inform you about the answers I got. Some of it will disturb a lot of people, others will probably read or search up the info to validate them. I know I will get more hate answers than liked ones. But this is my story to enlightenment, and I will never see it more clearly then now. Are you ready...

I now know that all money is created out of nothing, it is bound to nothing and it will forever be only debt. At this very moment if $1 were bound to gold, the 16 trillion us debt could be paid of with just 10 000 gold bars! I now have absolute doubt about the whole story of Jesus, because hundreds and even thousands of years the same exact story has been told about other sons in other cultures who was born from a virgin on the 25th day, visited by 3 kings and was hang on the cross. ( please read and verify this). We as humans were created by the Anunaki (aliens with human form) according to their DNA to mine gold for them. They were giants and we as humans were made smaller.. About this story please search the Sumerian scrolls. I most definitely know now that the earth is flat and that Nasa and other space agencies are working together to hide the real truth from us. The earth is flat with a hard glass dome. The Sun and moon is inside of this dome and is only 4000 miles above us. Please search for youtube videos about this. you will find alot of evidence.

But I see all this in a very higher conciseness. I no longer believe in religion, because all religion is at war with each other at this very moment. prove me wrong on this. I believe we as humans is all connected un-concisely with each other as with all the plants and animals together. I don't use meds, i now use sound healing, yes it works. I give love to every person I meet, and I don't give donations, i rather help a person in need completely out of their respective situation. I no longer work for money, because it only create ore debt. I now use only bitcoin to buy clothes, food and yes my landlord don't mind if i pay him in bitcoin. I have lost faith in our school system and home-teach my child. I teach her about free renewable energy, that our earth is flat and that Australia is not the country down under. I teach her about yoga, meditation, bitcoin and other virtual currencies. I Know now that this body is only temporary, it is a shell. I know what I AM inside of this body. I know that there is a heavenly creator, and his name is not God, but I know that he is spiritual, caring and that he loves us. I know that we never truly die, were are reborn many times over. I love my life, but I crave no attachment over it. I now know that we are here to serve as a purpose to all around us, but not to be slaves.

I Am no longer in the rat race. I am born free in a universe that is full of abundance, love and peace. I no longer seek for what is hard to get. I just get still, and connect to the inner me, who is connected to the universe.

Thanks for reading my Story


PS: Next time a fly bothers you, Don't try to kill it, just tell him " hey fly, i don't want to play with you right now, go play outside". You will at that moment understand that we are all connected...


Hello Andrew, welcome to Steem! ;-)
I hope that you are writing that "earth is flat with a hard glass dome" just to draw attention to your introduction post and to see with your own eyes, that even such cow-poo would be written to the blockchain.
Nice try. ;-)

Welcome to Steemit! :))

thanks pilgrim

Welcome to steemit Andrew.

Welcome to steemit @drewkid061 =) Best wishes !