My Book: Reasons for the Book (Part 2)

Start Here: Part 1 

As you have seen from above, i am no financial expert. Having said that i consider myself a person who can address the the status quo and potentially change it. I have been a victim of the traditional ways of self finance brought about traditional financial education. I have lived a debts life, i have researched the new ways of financing self and i have practiced the new ways. 

The book aims to address every reader about new ways of financing self and lifestyles. I will teach you how to accumulate wealth. I make sure that i address the what, who, how, why, and when in all topics i cover. I also put it all together in real life examples. This book will change many lives. It doesn’t matter whether you are a banker, taxi assistant, student or ever an infant. My dream is for everyone to be taught what i will be teaching you in this book.

Most of us get in bad debts and struggle to pay them despite our good paying jobs. Most of us think we will not make it because of our bad jobs. With this new way of doing things, finances in particular, we are going to be a success we want. 

I want this book to produce employers and employees. i want this book to produce the millionaires. I want this book to accumulate wealth to more people than we think possible at the moment. I want this book to remove more than 50% of the people on the streets. I want this book to promote gifting. I want this book to give you hope. Most importantly i want this book to reduce debt dramatically.

To be continued...