Why this is so me.....

Last summer vacation something hit me and I am still recovering. In 2013 a fellow marksman at our local shooting range told me about Bitcoin and said it would be the next best thing since sliced bread. Now usually I'm not really interested in whatever people say what they think is going to be the next best thing since sliced bread. But I knew him to be a pretty clever guy (not sure if it is Mensa-material or anything like that), so I started listening. Bitcoin. Something with a bigg-ass computer, which consisted of multiple other computers, which made it safer or something like that. And Daniel (that's his name) was not too fond of government, police, main-stream media or anything that 80 % of the Dutch people liked. Not an anarchist, but pretty close.

Then I started reading up on this Satoshi-thought-up thingie and it really called to me (well not literally or anything). So in the hype of 2013/2014 I started buying this bitcoin through bitonic.nl; apparantly one of the first, only and biggest Euro-to-Bitcoin online company. 10 euro's here, 20 euro's there, untill I had around 1000 euro's of BTC in paper wallets.

And I bought a bit of something by a Russian guy, which seemed also a nice idea...... More about this later.

Skip to the summer of 2017.

Me and my girlfriend had just landed ourselves, our caravan and our dogs in the northern part of Italy for a nice summer holiday; no more working for a week or 2 (or 3). Fun and laughter on our summer holiday, No more worries for me or you,
For a week or two. At least that was what I thought.

In the two months preceding this holiday I had been called by my brother and his collegue, who asked about Bitcoin, Ethereum and some other stuff. So I recited the "don´t put any money in it you are not willing to lose"- speech. And my cousin also asked about ETH through Facebook. I told him it was a pretty good idea.

After installing our caravan and doing some shopping (mainly/specifically/luckily beer), I sat down with my laptop and started to surf the web (More the FB-shit, but nevermind....). So this BTC thing was going to be the next big thing (again). And ETH also did not do bad. 1 ETH was now worth about 400 dollars.....

400 dollars......

how much did I put in.....

I was in the presale.......

But the SD-card containing my JSON file and password were around 1300 kilometers to the North.....

I did not know.

I started searching...

800 x worth what it was at the presale.


Never would have thought this would be anything that would change my life.
And since I'm starting with other Decentralized/Blockchain stuff (like steemit.com) it is changing my life.

I bought 8 Ledger nano s's (bit too much, but still safer than 1 I think)

I'm still recovering from what has happened untill now. I have been thinking what I wanted to do whith my life when I was just a little kid. Before I started going to school (where they couldn't teach me a lot), before I went on to college (where they couldn't teach me anything really interesting), before I started working for that IT company (where all I learned was that a lot of people are assholes, shitholes or are out to get you, or money, or status, or whatever makes them feel better than being jacked off).

I am going to do what I had always wanted to do; Probably write some book about some guy (no spoilers yet... :-) ) Probably going to put some more of my hard-earned euro's in BTC, ETH, DASH and Filecoin (once it is buy-able for a poor guy like me).
Probably going to learn to live like no-one ever told me to. I have been kind of an anarchist kind of George Carlin not voting MF for some time now. Don't believe too much in what mainstream media is telling me.

I don't know if anyone can relate to my story. But besides the FUD, the FOMO, and the graditute towards Sathoshi and Vitalik, I just wanted to get this thing into the world.

I'll try to get myself back to the ideals and way of looking at the world that I had when I was 5. Before I was 'formed' by this world. And I do want to make this a better world. And if this thing is going to work out like it has done for the last 9 years (Cryptocurrency), in a few years I can actually do what I want.

Now I just have to learn again how to be 5-year-old-me.

Thanks for reading this.



Welcome to the Steemit community, @Dukejunior! Wish you much luck! Cheers! Follow me at @khunpoom

amazing story btwWelcome To Steem @dukejunior hope you like the community

good luck x hope it works for you x

Hi dear friend, welcome to Steemit. I want to welcome you on this amazing platform. If you have any questions concerning how to start here do not hesitate to ask, I will be more than happy to help you as much as I can.
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God bless you in your new journey on steemit... You can Follow me too at @pastorlea