Hey fabuslousfungi,
your nickname is awesome! xD Although I work with fungi as well, my aim is to enable the plant to kill them, rather then growing them... ;)
Hey fabuslousfungi,
your nickname is awesome! xD Although I work with fungi as well, my aim is to enable the plant to kill them, rather then growing them... ;)
Fungi and plants can be friends too. I'm really interested in the role of endophytic fungi in plant growth and defense.
I'm curious about the story behind your nickname. Why did you pick a chemical element?
Apparently the literal translation of it is "hard to get", interesting!
Nice observation, the name! :) I love puns and hidden references, so there are many meanings. First of all: Why a chemical element? The obvious is my profession as a biochemist, the rarity (hard to get) a hint that is either precious or hidden, which both are qualities that many things that really interest me have in common. Furthermore I am a big fan of Tom Lehrer, a professor of mathematics at harvard and talented musician. His most famous song is the "elements song" which I happen to know by heart. ;) In addition, the title as well as the text contain two Shakespeare quotes to express the affinity to theatre ("What's in a name?" Romeo and Juliet; "All the world‘s a stage" As you like it). I love to weave things like this in texts, enjoying it while I type it, hoping people might get it and chuckle silently... :)
Really nice. Again, I'm really excited to see your project going and hoping to be part of it.