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RE: [PL,ENG] Introducing. I want provoke you to spiritual awakening.

Hi Carolina, and welcome. You've just put the Dean Martin song, 'Carolina in the Morning' in my head now. Someone's probably sung it to you before - or no doubt they will do.

It sounds like there's a lot of expectations (and pressures) put on you by family and society, unless I've read that wrong, and it was a piece of poetry or trying to tell a story. I hope you find the support you need on here, and can be free to enjoy the simple pleasures in life; like baking muffins. Sounds like good fun to me.

I look forward to your posts; especially reading that you feel free and in control. Good luck and keep dreaming. Tony


Tony, I'm smiling reading your answear to my introducing post 😊
Nice song, I had to listen to it! 😊
Becoming better person is my everyday goal ❤️
Greetings ❤️