welcome to steemit. Are you a Balinese. it seems that i don't know the Bali HQ for balinese stemian. anyway good luck for your journey. I live in Karangasem.
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welcome to steemit. Are you a Balinese. it seems that i don't know the Bali HQ for balinese stemian. anyway good luck for your journey. I live in Karangasem.
Thank you for the warm welcome, yes I indeed am Balinese. Yes, I'am part of Steemit Bali HQ.
dija tongosne bli? tyg asli karangasem. ada syarat milu komunitas Bali HQ?
Jumah tyg Kemenuh. cuman perlu jadi pengguna Steemit dan duduk di meja sama dengan kita :)
wenten groupne bli, soalne tyg li waktu ki ngalih komunitas stemian Bali, cuman ten wenten ne tepuk, wenten cuman @baligirl
Maaf Bli, gue cuman ngerti Bahasa Bali bedik, bisa bilang lagi dalam Bahasa Indonesia?
ada group fbnya ato gimana? soalnya tyg cuman ketemu Bali girl aja yang emang orang bali.
FB group: Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins: