Who Am I? Short AutoBiography

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

After few months on Steemit I realised I never made a proper introduction of myself.

I am Diego, born in Rieti, a small town near Rome, within the mountains, where there is not much but beautiful villages and landscapes.


My family is composed by me, my mother and my sister. My father died at work when I was only 3 years old.


He left a huge hole in my soul that I could never fill. No memories, not even a single word or gesture I may remember from him and this is something I will never forgive destiny for. Losing a father when you are that young and the only male in the family is not easy thing to live with, but was also my biggest strength, my biggest motivation to do something meaningful in my life.

I Was And I Am An Artist (Inside)

I started studying piano when I was only 8 years old and I remember the teacher telling to my mother I would have never been able to play an instrument. It was just not for me.

The school fired the teacher few weeks later and I became the best pianist of my class. I studied piano for almost 10 years.

I also studied violin and drums for quite some time.

...But I Wanted To Be An Actor

When I was 13 I introduced myself to a theatre company of my town and worked with them for 5 years. I left my own town and moved to Rome where I attended some professional acting academies for 3 years and also participated to one of the most popular Italian TV series, i Cesaroni 3. Was funny to sign autographs, I must admit that.


I left acting after this experience once I realised the ideal world I had in my mind, was actually really different.

Another Self Taught Developer

Luckily enough, when I was 18, I had in mind to create a database for actors, since none existed at that time in Italy, but I did not want to pay a developer for that. I started looking into a CMS named Boonex Dolphin and tried to make some changes by myself, without actually ever reading a single line of coding tutorial or book.

Trial and errors, trial and errors and eventually after few months of playing with the code up to 18 hours a day, I was able to do some coding myself.

After I left my acting career, becoming a professional developer seemed to be the most reasonable choice, was also the right one.

First Steps As An Entrepreneur

I opened my first personal company when I was 19 and earned good money just by making applications and enhancements to existing web softwares. I kept doing that for 3 years when I decided was time for me to setup a business and make the big money.

I opened a company and I was able to generate a bare minimum of 15K Euros revenue a month by providing IT services to companies and professionals.

The company failed when I had a bad personal time.

I was really flying high, earning 15K Euros per month at only 22 years old and already imagining myself driving a Lambo few years later.

In reality I had no friends, no social life. Was just me, my ex girlfriend and my work. When my ex left, all the rest broke down and the only remaining things I had were debts to pay for the losses made in the last months before closing the company.

I was working up to 14 hours a day for more than 2 years, sometimes also sleeping in the office...but.. it did not work.

EUR 30K Debts..Yeah!

I moved from Rome to Milan and for the first time in my life I started working as an employee for a web agency. I was 24. I was already able to speak and write fluent english and to code in few different programming languages.

It took 2 years to cover all the debts and I almost had a nervous breakdown. I was working up to 12 hours a day just to pay my rent and to cover the debts.

I did it! Once I paid the last cent of my debts I left the job, took some rest and met my current girlfriend, after more than 3 years alone.

My Little Treasure


Once I left the job in Milan I came back to Rieti. I was in front of a bar with some friends. I was a bit drunk.

I met Francesca and I clearly remember the first thing she told me was "What kind of drugs do you take"?

She asked that because I have a tattoo on my heart that is composed by the initials of my family in chronological order and she was making fun of that.

  • E - Enrico, my father.
  • L - Luigina, my mother.
  • E - Erika, my sister.
  • A - Alessio, my sister's first son.
  • R - Riccardo, my sister's last son.

ELEAR. Now you know where my username @elear comes from.

She was young and so funny and natural, I felt in love immediately.

We have spent more than 2 years together now and travelled most of Europe.

She gave me the strength I lost in the past and thanks to her I found the courage to open again a personal company and restarted my career from scratch.

I worked for few months in Italy when I got a call from Germany and worked there for almost another year, with a very good salary. I left Germany when I found out about Steem.

A Small Mention - My Mother

My mother is not an easy person. She is very rigid and sometimes it is hard to communicate with her. BUT SHE IS MY HERO.

Her husband died leaving her with two kids, I was 3, my sister was 11. Her husband died in one of the most tragical ways I could imagine. She found the strength to go on. She made us grown up. She went through every possible issue in life. SHE IS THE STRONGEST PERSON I KNOW.

Thanks for being what you are...Thanks mom.


I Am Utopian!

While the idea of Utopian started to flow in my mind 5-7 years ago, the concept behind is way older.

I am an entrepreneur by nature, but one of that kind who hates how money work, who just cannot live with the fact this system is wrong.

I actually HATE working as the society has imposed us to do.

  • I worked for multi-million euros companies where I was the only one to let them survive on the software side and having just a misery in exchange for that. I remember one time not sleeping for 3 days in a raw because their servers were down.

  • My father died at work, in a giant enterprise, because they were saving money on safety...A boiler exploded while my father was there. He was alive for one week and then died. The enterprise also tried to pay the minimum insurance possible. Thanks to my mother, that did not happen.

  • I never had a reason to work. Once the enterprise paid the insurance for the death of my father I could have lived by that for many years, but instead I started immediately and made working-for-a-mission my biggest obsession.

Who possibly hates working more than me?

That's where Utopian comes from. The necessity to create a fair economical system.

The Dream Behind Utopian


I was in Germany when I found out about Steem. Thanks @jerrybanfield for that.

Utopian was an idea I had in mind and experimented the concept already few years back, but I did not have a practical way to achieve the mission, until I found Steem.

Once I realised the potential, I left the very well paid job in Germany and gave myself 100% to Utopian.

  • I do really want to change something with Utopian.
  • I do really want to create a new, decentralised, meritocratic economy from which everyone can benefit immediately.
  • I do really want to change the way we think about working and I imagine a society where people work for their own will and not for necessity.
  • I do really want to create an economy where professionals are rewarded for the real value they bring and not for the position they have.
  • I do really want to create a platform to fast forward the creation of Open Source softwares, fundamental technologies for the evolution of the entire humanity.

What Do I Want To Get From Utopian?

PROFITS. Yes, I am not the new Jesus Christ and would be dishonest if I'd say Utopian is a project just to change the World and I am not looking for anything back.

I am a developer, I could build the next shitty e-commerce and have a decent income just by doing that, but I am not interested.

I always wanted to deserve my profits and to be proud of them. Utopian is the way. Utopian is my opportunity to try to make a change, to put my fingerprint in this World and to live by that. IT IS WORTH TRYING!

What Do I Want To Do With The Utopian Profits?

Well...buying a Lamborghini is a dream I have from a long time ;p ...but there is something else in my mind, that I will have to achieve before or later.

I want to tear down the symbol of that enterprise that killed my father.. It is still there, in my town and I see it every single day.



SNIA Viscosa is not just the enterprise were my father died, it is the perfect symbol of how wrong the society we live in is.

It is still there. I can see it every single day. It reminds me I need to do something.

The entire place is abandoned since many years, but it is still there. An entire polluted field no one wants to buy.

I want to buy it.

I want to tear it down.

I want to make that thing explode!

And I want to build a park and an organisation to help kids who lost their parents tragically.

The cost of that shit is 5 Million Euros and I promised myself I will have them soon enough to make my dream, a reality.

Thanks for reading.

There are 4 pages

hey, welcome to Steemit @elear! I wish you good luck))

Strong words - power on @elear! Upvote from me

Dear Elear,

I had a deep suspicion that there was a lot of depth to you, and this post shows me that I was correct. It's interesting that we share a deep dislike for the way corporations are sucking the lifeblood from humans, and in your case, literally, sucking the life out of humans, like your father. I have some trauma relating to a person as well, which has shaped my life and future dreams.
Your dream is something that I identify closely with and it's something I think the world can benefit from immensely.
The story of how you arrived at programming is interesting, as it shows that you are a very passionate person and are driven by artistic directions. Most people are unaware that we as humans, have many simultaneous talents, some are artistic in nature, others are more tech-centered.

This shows me that you are a very well-rounded person, with an understanding of how hardship bonds us all together. I had a very tragic experience as a single mother, which definitely altered my understanding of the world. It is in fact trauma that bonds us all together, so if someone has no understanding of how cold the world can become through a major loss, then that person will probably not be able to empathize with 90% of the population which is in varying stages of suffering.

Wanting to do something radically good and be able to pull it off are two seperate things, but you have both going for you. I have been taking notes on how you run Utopian from day 1, because as you know I've started my own project which actually is very similar to yours....it's the Creative Commons cryptoart community which can also be used as a resource to everyone in Utopian. Collaborative thinking and acting is one of the things that humans need to learn to thrive in Steem, and also in the wider society.

I see really great things for Utopian and you. I can see you tearing up that old company grounds, it's just a matter of time. I have some goals similar to you, and it involves creating a new system which rewards creators who want to share their work with Creative Commons license.

Here's to you! I was very happy to learn your history, so thank you for opening up about it!

Very happy to hear your story too @stellabelle and I have no doubts you will succeed whatever is your mission and of course we will join forces whenever you are ready with your project!

They will be the parties in which one is melancholic but I felt very identified, with everything you say.
Greetings from Argentina


I can almost feel your pain from here ni know it would be difficult to feel exactly how it hurts, but just reading your post, I could see the visual image of the things you went through not having your father by your side.

I have had the privilege of being with my father from day 1 and though weren't very rich, I know what my dad has sacrificed for his children. I really feel for those who had to grow up not knowing what it feels like to be able to wake up in the morning and say 'morning dad'.

I'd probably have never had an education if my dad wasn't around. The man is the perfect definition of how sacrificial a dad can be.

This world atimes screams wickedness. It's the reason I sometimes wish I'd be left alone, forever. Many people seems to be all out to collect the little you've got not minding if you die in the process. Government makes laws that will only profit themselves, CEOs build their dreams using others and pay them peanuts in return.

The word needs a change.

The words of @surpassinggoogle in his latest post really typifies my thoughts of recent.

The world is painted. It's curriculum hypes the superficial and weighs substance by it.

I'm glad there are like-minded people in this community with whom we can relate with.
Wish you success cess in your dreams and endeavors.

Good Work Follow x Follow please <3

Nice to meet you!


Hello, I trully admire you for utopian-io. I hope that is make huge success!

Nice first post! Welcome to Steemit!

Sometimes people do not really know the pain behind the fame, you have gone so deep to reveal that @elear, and a beautiful accronymn to your name too

Thanks a lot

you are right @josediccuss.. welldone @elear beautiful and inspiring story you have up there

@josediccus you took with wisdom I bet you had unique experiences of challenges you survived and become victorious like @elear

Quite an inspiring story about your tragic loss and journey in life. I am sure you are going to tear that place down soon enough because that apparently is your liberation and peace of mind. Good luck with it though.

I will! :)

Very true @izge. @elear you will have a blast here with those unique experience and great writing skills. Steem on you must

You are a very strong person. From a young child you lost your father and you becamean enough at a tender age to open up companies to work and care for yourself. Sorry about your father, sorry about the lonely life you fell into but you are not doing badly and you are well experienced. Work harder whether for self or for a company so as to ensure your mother never lacks.

Wow, what a deep view into your life. Thanks for sharing that with the world. Utopian has already changed my life and many others. Thank you for that!

Thanks to u for being such a great supporter!

Wow you think it can also change mine @flauwy?

Of course. Start posting daily on Utopian and earn Steem for your contributions. :)

thank you for these very personal words!

Hi @elear
Very inspiring words. I am also a programmer and it always starts with an idea, in your case it was actor database and in my case it was movie database. I am also a self taught developer and now I am a CTO for a company here at India.
May you achieve your dream soon. Good luck

Wow che storia! Ti auguro di riuscire a realizzare i tuoi sogni. Anche io ho perso mio padre a 17 anni, incidente in moto, qualcuno lo ha sbattuto per aria e non abbiamo mai trovato il colpevole. Strana la vita eh?!

Mi dispiace moltissimo.

Probably the best #introduceyourself I've seen

Behind every great dream lies a story that is worth telling. Your life's history now shows where the passion for floating utopian comes from. I am happy to witness the birth of something big. Congratulations on doing this and thank you very much for sharing.

Thanks so much for your nice words!

You are most welcome.

Very inspiring words there @greenrun. Yes steemit is lucky to have another interesting Steemians

welcome to steemit! upvoted and followed! cheers!

Indeed I feel like I know you from this personal bio which is what an intro should be. I'm glad you have goals and luckily you are here. Crypto could be what makes your dream possible.

Crypto are our chance to change something and we should hurry up :)

I do hope crypto makes his dream and everyone here come true @engineeringsteem

Amazing choice of words bro...
This is the first post I read on Steemit and I am glad I did. Having went through some similar circumstances I felt connected immediately... Great Work!!

Hey, thanks for the awesome post. Love what I read, especially about the controversial utopian ideas that most would be a little taken aback by. But I guess that's the point of this community. Steemit allows for us all to live in a censorship-proof life with little worries. Cheers - Lindsay 💋

Its moving introduction of a tenacious boy, life full of passion and love. Hats off to you Elear, for your spirit and inner strength.

really nice biography and very beautiful photos you have added in this post

Great introduction, so in-depth! Love the part about you meeting Francesca and also when you honored your mother's strength!

Amazing introduction, congrats for your huge hearth family.


welcome to steemit @elear, best regards..
hopefully you feel at home here. 😊

Those concepts of the "Utopian" are mostly all values or things I would like to happen as well...

"I do really want to create a new, decentralised, meritocratic economy from which everyone can benefit immediately.
I do really want to change the way we think about working and I imagine a society where people work for their own will and not for necessity.
I do really want to create an economy where professionals are rewarded for the real value they bring and not for the position they have."

Especially these, which is essentially what your "Utopian" is, if these principals were how society operated, the world would be so much better off..

I specially like what you said about professionals @biffybirdcam. But it seems impossible yet noble

thank's for introduced yourself @elear .. now I know more about you and your family and the meaning of the word from elear. before that I just know you from your achievements in utopian.io. congratulations for your achievement in utopian.io elear.

So moving right @zenk02. Now we know what's behind the name. Indeed I would agree iya an amazing post

Very well written post. You have had a very interesting, tragic and fruitful life. Loosing somebody like that is one of the most difficult things a person can go through- I didn’t loose my father but I lost people close to me and in the end I became a stronger person too. I would do anything to have those people back but I learned to make the best of a bad situation. Anyways - I just followed you, and I am excited to see what you post in the future.
Thank you friend.

When typhoon haiyan struck my hometown Tacloban I thought it was our end our doomsday yet @theessential today we realized it was a start of something better. We learned to value each second as anyone can die anytime.

Sometime it takes something terrible to get everybody's head on the same page..unfortunately that’s what it takes...
As far as valuing every second, it’s not only necessary but makes for a much more fulfilled life. If we value our moments like they are our last, we will live knowing that we made the most of the short time we had here.

Hello Welcome.

One big wow, your nickname genesis... Masterpiece:)

Very good and interesting article

Nothing is impossible buddy. It's clear you minds set on it, and that only means that old building is going down. I wrote a post you might be interested in. You need to visizualise that building with a tyson punch right where the sun don't shine. Tyson punch physcology

I have been trying to visualize my soulamtw but none does it mean it's an impossible dream @gsari. Good advise here you gave to write about his interest .if I may add to write without stopping

Great story... And it is only the beginning!! Inspiring to see Utopian continue to grow!

Are you a utopian yourself @debraycodes? Care to tell me about it in more like what's the vision and mission of a utopian

Utopian is a platform where devs are rewarded for their open-Source contributions on the STEEM blockchain...

Thank you @elear for the utopian.
And trust me that day isn't far when you buy that company.

It's not easy to lose a loved one at such a young age and the issue of dealing with debt it can really weigh someone down.Well written story.

I would not imagine being in his shoes too considering loan sharks here are merciless they will take whatever their hands can put on @frigirl

Wow.. Finally got to know what Elear means. Very touching story and straightforward. I am glad to have interacted with you.

Yeah good explanation of the tattoo indeed. Being like that it was imprinted with high importance @jaff8

welcome to steemit

Interesting story

nice nice thanks for sharing dear god bless you

nice to meet you @elear

your really a nice person
with kind heart ..

Glad I read your post, inspiring. I imagine you will make this happen, you've got what it takes obviously!

True if he can write like this he is indeed very promising newbie @adammillwardart

This is a very helpful post... Thanks alot, however long though... Took time to read... I look forward to reading more from you

Thank you for sharing your story. I am also sorry for the loss of your father at a very young age. Somehow, I think I know how you've been through. Fortunately, I still have my parents with me, but as I grew up, I think share your experience of the challenge growing up without a father.

Thanks a lot @eastmael. You are of course, one of the best contributors and supporters of Utopian. Thanks for that!

Credits to you and the team behind Utopian. My contributions would not be possible if it weren't for the environment you initiated.

I find it hard even I have my elderly parents with me hence I spend time with orphans because we don't know they might turn out as talented as this content writer right @eastmael

True. Sometimes, all it takes to bring the best out of someone is for another to see the gift in them and believe in them.

I salute you for the time you spend with orphans. I may not have the experience of spending time like you do, but the thing you do is something noble.

even my revenge is very pure and good friends I am 17 years old and I write software and write code in this diverse world to write in the world of the world I had to imagine please tell me your way past like this

There are 4 pages