Welcome Troy :) We have a fast growing community of over 250 preppers/homesteaders here, so glad to see you joining too! Check in with @pennsif to find posts with links to the homesteader's discord channel and find a huge list of everyone here :)
I am with you on preparing for everything...we are the same...
@elew, Troy is NOT a prepper, hes NOT a homesteader, he's a poser.
Thanks...I am not sure who you are either...but I appreciate the effort.
Apparently it is dangerous to welcome people on steemit these days, trust people or believe anyone actually wants to do good things for others. It seems to fairly consistently get outed as a scam, no matter where it comes from.
@elew, I used to be subscribed to Reid's YouTube DIY Off Grid channel, but apparently I asked too many questions that conflicted with his scam.
Then one morning Reid deleted my comments (just like he's doing here) Blocked and Banned me.
Just like the others here.
So he plays the victim as well.
I will let you decide for yourself.
It won't take long.
Thanks for being open minded.
Thank you very much. I just followed you and read your latest post. I am here for the same reason.
I will have a look at your group :)
What is this, account number 4 of FREE accounts you have created on steemit??? You are supposed to PAY for accounts 2, 3 & 4!!!
@blogger101 @diy-electronics @thediyworld @trtechtactical All run by @thediyworld, all created by you.
The steemit community doesn't like people like you who abuse it by not following the etiquette put in place that you PAY for additional accounts, which you have the money for!
Under "Am I allowed To Create More Than One Account"
just don't expect any help with your channel from troy. He doesn't help anyone and only upvotes himself on his 4 channels on steemit. He stays in debt buying steem to try and keep his crap channels going. He is an idiot