My introduction to the Hive Community

in #introduceyourself11 months ago (edited)

Hey, dear Reader!

Before starting, just a few lines on this exercise “Telling the world about myself”. It’s basically the hardest task to write about oneself, because I am who I am but I can only guess by #feedback who I am to others and whether they or you will like me or - not. So I’ll try to present some facts and then - I’d say let’s talk 😃


Me me

My name is Mirella, I am a single mum of 2 almost grown-up boys, an entrepreneur and feminist.

Once, when I’ve lived my life I would love to call it a life less ordinary. I am a traveler living between two cities, building a home in a third one. I love to #explore new things, right now I am training to become a #beekeeper. When I tell people, they frown and go: You? (Yes, it’s an italic and doubting You?, with a voicing somewhere between “are you crazy” and “really, you’ve got nothing better to do?”) I, in return, just smile mischievously because that’s how I like life to unfold - always with a little unexpected twist (even better if I’m doing the twist).

I love chocolate, wine, dancing, music, books, barbecue, friendly gatherings with happy loud talks and laughter.

mirella_2_(c) stephan friesinger.jpg

Pictures by

Work Me

In my work I am very hands-on, I love to be part of #projects that are just one step ahead, challenging well-settled beliefs and structures.

I worked in #cultural and #creative industries for more than two decades. I have brought amazing design ideas to life in public spaces, such as painting the roads of a block in red or installing street furniture to make squares and places more popular for the public. Together with designers who became friends, we created memorable and outstanding exhibitions. I have initiated community-based projects and developed numerous incentives.

I am experienced in drafting #business plans, managing various types of projects, organizing events and people, and have collaborated with artists, curators, designers, technicians, scientists, entrepreneurs, physicians, social workers and right now, bees. My motto is: I only work with nice people (well, at least I am nice to them, for a start). Bees are a nice people by the way.

In the past two years, I have been working as a business #analyst, ecosystem designer and #consultant for Caliberco, a company specializing in blockchain-related projects and products. Caliberco aligns fully with my values, it allows me to explore new territories and delve deep into the #crypto world. Apart from that I work as a coach and trainer for project managers and project groups.


Think decentrally: The power of the community.

I believe that #decentralized community driven economies can solve many present day challenges. While working on token economic systems for social impact projects I have discovered that our efforts often revert back to centralized thinking. Questions such as who manages token pools, who is responsible for #funding, and who creates and authorizes content for the community often lead to semi-centralized solutions. It is challenging to help project partners understand that #decentralization means relinquishing control and automating governance processes.

To effectively convince others and provide guidance on decentralization, it is so important for me to undergo decentralized mindset training myself. That is why I have started searching for a community where I can actively participate and #contribute based on my skills. Being neither a designer nor a developer but rather a generalist I really longed for a community that would be as divers as my projects.

When I attended the Blockchain Expo Amsterdam in September 2023, I was unaware of Hive. However, I was familiar with citizen science projects, human rights, and the topic of water supply in #Africa. While scanning the program, I came across @mcsamm Samuel's talk on #socialimpact through blockchain and #web3, which immediately caught my attention. I was truly impressed by the impact Sam had achieved with the help of Hive and its community. Shortly after, I had the opportunity to have an amazing lunch (queueing together can create bonds!) with @minigunner and @artakush from @coldbeetrootsoup (CBRS), @mcsamm and @rubencress, where I learned about Hive's governance structures and its origins.

Although Hive had slipped off my research to-do list, I now had the chance to have real conversations about it, and it didn't take much to convince me to join the #community. Especially with such amazing #onboarding support orchestrated by CBRS!


A project for #Hive

DAO project for the Museum of Applied Arts Vienna

A Viennese #museum would like to learn more about its audience and raise awareness and engagement around the museum’s exhibitions, topics and activities. Together with a dedicated team of Museum members, #artists and blockchain #developers we have one year to form a community that will connect and grow by creating projects benefitting the Museum of Applied Arts.

Actually, the current #DAO project has me wondering what it would be like to involve this newly founded community in Hive. This would involve setting up the DAO with HBD tokens and allowing community members to create their own projects within an existing community that supports one another. However, the decision is not mine to make. My role is to provide suggestions and potential solutions. In a truly decentralized world, it is up to the community to choose the most suitable option, isn't it?

And if the DAO works out, I will onboard my bee project 🐝


Impactful projects of the past ten years

Blockchain related projects:

🔶 Energy Token for a rural community in Styria, Austria

Proof of concept for a #Token Economy in a rural area based on the energy output of a photovoltaic system. Creating a digital currency for a rural community which is based on the Energy token.

Read publication here:

🔶 YOMA world

Token economic system for the youth marketplace by #UNICEF:

Together with economists, developers citizen scientists and a group of young African entrepreneurs we developed a token based reward system for a #data collection project based on potable water in African communities.

So far we are running tests to create a research paper on token adoption by young Africans, the reward-redeem process and technical feasibility on all ends.

Design in public space, Graz, Austria:

🔶 Red #running track in the city center

🔶 Street Furniture in the city center

Awareness campaigns with social impact:

🔶 #Awareness campaign for violence against women for the Women’s Shelter in Styria, Austria:

🔶 Awareness campaign “Rap not rape” for the Women’s Shelter in Styria, explaining rap songs and violence by words to #school children:


Hello Mirella! Welcome to HIVE! Great job by the CBRS team onboarding you!
I just checked a few of your projects and I am so happy you found your way here.
I am absolutely interested in the DAO project for the Museum in Vienna.
I come from an acting and filmmaking background, I live in Vienna. If someone is needed to document this 1 year either in photo or film or both, well I think we can come to an agreement.
And of course, as a Hivean I have some input for you on how the DAO project could be approached. I am ready to meet you any time during the week in Vienna.
I sent you 3 HIVE with it so you can create a community that fits to your project.
I will send you my phone number as an encrypted message, you will find it in your wallet.
I hope we can have a talk.

Hi @solymi - thank you for this warm welcome - will text you asap :)
So happy to connect - let's see where and how we can build together!

Every new user on Hive is great, especially with a skillset and resume like yours.
Looking forward to collaborating!

Hallo und herzlich willkommen auf Hive. Toller Einführungspost!
Auch wenn zurzeit eher ruhiger, so gibt's doch auch eine gute deutschsprachige und auch österreichische Community hier.
Bist du in Wien oder Graz? Vor allem die Wiener sind auch sehr aktiv mit Treffen, wie zB @stayoutoftherz und @vikisecrets
Aber auch in Graz gibt's ein monatliches kleines Treffen von @reiseamateur veranstaltet.

Bei Fragen einfach melden 🙂 LG aus Graz

Thanks to @coldbeetrootsoup making me aware

Ah wie cool! Hallo 😃
Ich bin in Wien und Graz - freu mich sehr, wenn wir connecten!

Fein 🙂
Bin zurzeit aus gesundheitlichen Gründen wenig aktiv, aber irgendwo auf Hive oder im Discord schwirre ich immer mal rum, weil nach über 2 Jahren hier will ich die Communities und Menschen nicht mehr missen.

@beeber - hab mir gerade die blogs angesehen, habe wohl leider das letzte meetup am donnerstag verpasst. Gibt's noch eins vor Weihnachten (in Graz)?

Hmm liebe @elmirabear ich glaube mich zu erinnern es war die Rede von Glühwein aufm Grazer Weihnachtsmarkt.
Die normalen Treffen sind jeweils am 3. Donnerstag des Monats im lab10

@music-nature @richie8012 @reiseamateur wie wäre es mit Glühwein (und Kinderpunsch für mich 🤨) im Advent?

We Love connecting people and projects ❤️

Welcome @elmirabear
I've been involved in several DAOs in the Ethereum ecosystem. Will love to share and help.
Just came back from EthGlobal and DevConnect Istambul. Lots of interesting doors to knock on for support.

Hi @santigs, thank you! Also would love to hear your insights on DAOs. How was DevConnect, what is your main take away?
I was in Lisbon last week, attending Newconomics by Human Protocol. My take away: back end cannot replace the need for good UI/front end UX. Still a loooong way to go.

I agree there are still lots to do on the front-end side for massive on boarding, but account abstraction is a big step forward in that regard. Been testing some new tools in that area. I'm also a contributor of

Welcome to Hive.
I hope you have a successful time here.
Like any community, persistent and personal relationships are key.

You will discover many amazing people.

But don't be discouraged if not everyone is to your liking. This is a space for a wide variety of opinions.

Dear @apshamilton - thank you for your kind words. The welcoming is such a warm one, I am looking forward to explore the hive universe 😀

We are very happy we got this chance to onboard you 🙂 We hope you will find your place here on Hive and share all that BEE stuff you want to do 😂

Oooh and connect Hive to some of your projects 😁

Bee stuff goes so well with Hive :D
Will look for a Bee-Log here, if there isn't any, it's time to set up one 🐝

Hello @elmirabear

Welcome to HiveBlockchain!

It's great to see the arrival of innate blockchain talents. @xvlad and I are very happy to see you at Hive. We're building SkateHive, @foxlatam and many more. Directly from Rio de Janeiro. It would be a pleasure to be able to collaborate with you at growth Latam on many projects, let's talk.

Here you will find a healthy network to produce good content and be rewarded, learn about decentralized finance, communities, and much more.

Here you have a Brazilian friend!

If you need any help just call me!

Follow my blog and I'll follow you back, let's grow together!

You have my 100% upvote and my reblog guaranteed!

Hey - thank you @boeltermc for your warm welcome!! Will follow you for sure - skaters are the best (I am just not the best skater 🤣)
Best, Mirella

Welcome to Hive. We have lots of exciting projects and it's a cool platform to build on.


Hey @elmirabear, here is a little bit of BEER from @steevc for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Hey @steevc @beerlover thank you for the treat! The next round will be on me 😉

This beer is only virtual. Some people run meetups with the real stuff.


I meant to try out the virtual free beer stuff. Using it is like returning the treat, isn't it?
Hope to find some meetups around my place, IRL still tastes best ;)

You need to hold some beer tokens before you can give it out. @detlev is the Hive beer man.

understood! 🙏

@detlev does Beersaturday meetups in Achen 😍

Read all about this at

To make a long story short.

For each box of BEER (24 token) you can call the @beerlover once a day

Welcome! On the whole wide Web3, Hive is the place to be. 😊

Thank you @brando28 - happy to connect! Thank you to @cbrs for the onboarding support too 😃

Like wise! 😊

Congratulations @elmirabear! You have completed the following achievement on the Hive blockchain And have been rewarded with New badge(s)

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Welcome to Hive! I wish you lots of success!

Thanks a lot @mypathtofire - this journey is just beginning to unfold. So excited!😀

Your passion for exploration and the mischievous twist you add to life make your journey quite intriguing. Training to become a beekeeper is a unique and admirable endeavor – it's fantastic to see people embracing new and unexpected experiences.

Thank you for your kind feedback @hotspotitaly!

Welcome ma to the hive community.
Hive is a very fun and interesting social media platform

Feel free to explore and relate...

Also hoping to see you participate on @waves..

Welcome ma

Hi @mmenyene - happy to connect! Will check out @waves - and hope to stay connected!

You're welcome ma 😘❤️

Welcome to Hive @elmirabear hopefully, you'll have a pleasant journey here.

Thank you @meraki7578 for your kind wishes - I am looking forward to it very much! Will also check out #leofinance, once I've settled. Do you have some info I can read through? 🙏

You are most welcome. You should try threading, Inleo has a very awesome microblogging platform.

It will not only help you to learn but also to interact with active hivers.

You may figure it out, please

See you on threads.

I really enjoyed reading your introduction, @elmirabear. I’m so impressed by your achievements! You are clearly a natural fit for Hive! I wish you all the best on your exciting journey here.

Thank you @jayna for your kind feedback! I am glad you enjoyed my text and hope to keep in touch for more!

Hi Mirella! You’ll rock it here on Hive! If you are thinking about a decentralized environment, then this is the place! For sure you have a lot to share!! Welcome and enjoy the journey!!

Dear @belug thank you so much!Hope to stay in touch! Happy to see so many women on Hive 😃

Willkommen auf Hive!
Schön, dass Du da bist!
Ich bin aus Wien, hier werden unsere regelmässigen Meetups gepostet.

Hey @stayoutoftherz - danke vielmals! Weiß noch nicht, ob ichs am 14. schaffe, der Plan ist, da schon in Graz die Weihnachtszeit genießen, aber ich bin ganz oft in Wien (beruflich und privat), 2024 klappt es sicher!

It was nice to have encountered you dear @elmirabear. Even if you are not entirely new to the whole idea of a decentralised community, I still welcome to hive. It's a nice thing to have encountered a vast personality like you...

Thank you @ernesto6402!

Amazing Intro and Welcome to Hive! I see already, that you will find a lot of new friends here and learn about dapps and projects around the ecosystem! Glad to see you hear!

Hi @artakush how are you doing? Thank you for your amazing support at @coldbeetrootsoup - I am sure this is the beginning of some great collaborations!

I am fine, thank you. Working and forming the upcoming projects. I bet Minigunner showed you our philanthropy page. I bet we can do a lot of wonderful things through it too :)

It is a wonderful idea! Will definitely support your cause, I like the idea very much!

Welcome to the Hive ecosystem.

Thank you @wlffreitas 😊

Hi @elmirabear . I am happy to be a part of this community and hope to make many friends here. Now I start my new life after prison. I will be grateful for your support.

Thank you @dewamke44 - I wish you all the best for your new beginning!

Welcome to Hive, seems you’ve had a lot of information already and know quite a lot about crypto and #blockchain. I’m sure you will love it here!

Thank you @threedotz - the welcoming is overwhelming, I am very happy to be here.

Welcome to Hive. I'm looking forward to reading your contributions!

Thank you @domgreg 😀

Welcome to Hive. You’re going to love ❤️ it here. 🐝 🍯 🐝 🍯 🐝

Thank you @bitphoto - I am already loving it!

Das nenne ich mal einen "ordentlichen" Welcome Post.

Du machst interessante Dinge und ich freue mich auf mehr von Dir.
Natürlich gibt es ein !BEER dazu.

Gruß aus Aachen

Vielen lieben Dank @detlev - freue mich auf den Austausch!

Hey @elmirabear, here is a little bit of BEER from @detlev for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Welcome to the family wishing you best luck ahead

Cheers @moeenali - happy to connect!

Welcome to the Hive community and hope you'll have a wonderful journey ahead.

Many thanks @lordshah!

Welcome to hive 😊

Thank you @isbelhiv02 😀

Hello, @elmirabear. You have such a beautiful personality and strong desire to succeed. I envy some parts of your engagement and wish that I am directly involved.

Hence, let me personally welcome you to Hive. A place where you get to meet people from all works of life and explore as much as you want.
Welcome again.

Hello @mrenglish and thank you 😃

Hello, @elmirabear! whoa, you come up with so many brilliant ideas! Welcome to Hive Blockchain! so many communities you can explore. :)

For the communities supported by OCD, check out HERE. For tips and information as a Hive newbie, click here: newbie guide.

The important thing is Hive is a bit different from other social media platforms since you are monetizing your blog. You can't include content that you don't own without sources. For more information, check this post: Why and How People Abuse and Plagiarise.

If you have questions or concerns, you can hop into OCD's Discord server and we'll gladly answer your questions.

I'm @anggreklestari from the @OCD team.
Have a great day!

Hi @anggreklestari and thank you! Btw lovely blog!

❤️ Nice to know you🌸

Welcome abroad, Mirella! :)

Thank you, @gabrielatravels 😊

I hope you will find Hive fertile ground for some of your current or future projects and that you will meet some like-minded people to help you on the way (I have no doubt about that). Welcome to Hive!

Hi @gadrian - thank you, I am very much looking forward to exploring Hive!

Welcome to this platform and many many good wishes for you

Thank you @anikearn!

welcome Mirella I wish you great success in this new adventure in hive.

Thank you @faniaviera - I am very excited!

It's exciting to have someone who knows a little about this world jump on board. You've reminded me that we need to check out some hive - we usually have a friend come do it. It's the one thing about the garden I can't get a handle on.

I run the Hive Garden community here - your bee posts would bee 🐝🐝 welcome there.

Great to know @riverflows - though I am a rookie in this field, getting the basic training. But I would love to share my thoughts with your community! Thank you for the invitation!

Congratulations Mirella @elmirabear . I'm super excited to see you here on the hive blockchain. I'm filled with great joy reading your introductory post. There's so much to do on the hive blockchain and l believe your existence will help us do many great initiatives to help improve lives around the world. You're welcome dear.

My dear @mcsamm - again another channel where we can keep in touch! So happy to be on board! Best, Mirella

Hello welcome to hive

Hi! Thank you 😃

Wow welcome to hive ma'am
Not easy to be a single mom at all
More strength

Thank you 😃
As to single mom - I have the village to raise them 🤗

Oh my! Though I am a little aware of the humanitarian and philanthropic side of Hive, I didn't know that there is such a community going deeper into this field. I am glad to stumble upon your content while tracing the posts upvoted by @empo.voter. This also reminds me of @coldbeetrootsoup's account which I think I stumbled upon a few months ago while watching a gathering of Hivians in the Netherlands. Glad to see you on Hive. Blessings!

Thank you 😃

Hello @elmirabear,

Welcome on Hive Mirella! Your introduction post is wonderfully rich and detailed. Your journey seems to be filled with unexpected twists and turns, which makes it all the more interesting. It's inspiring to see your dedication towards challenging well-settled beliefs and structures in your work.

It's great that you're exploring Hive as a platform for contributing based on your skills. Hive indeed offers a diverse community that encourages active participation from its members. And your project with the Museum of Applied Arts Vienna sounds intriguing! I believe Hive could provide an excellent platform for such initiatives.

Wishing you all the best on Hive. Cheers!

Thank You!😃

Welcome to the platform. It seems like your introduction has caught the attention of many, including myself. From your self-introduction, you appear to be a wise and successful person. I believe your children are your strength in achieving this success. I'm impressed with your achievements and I hope you will receive more opportunities in this community. 🎉🙏

Thank you @mell79 I hope so too!

Hi elmirabear, so great to see a fellow traveler joining Hive! We've been around for over 5 years, building a community of travelers on Hive. I see that you are posting from peakd which is awesome, but the beauty of the Hive blockchain is that there are several websites available to use Hive! brings together all the benefits of Hive decentralized blogging with features that you as a travel blogger will love: Photo galleries, Instagram embeds, custom maps, post scheduling and more. And if you want, you can even use our easy site builder to set up your own travel blog on your own domain which can be a great way to generate a passive income from your blog!

You can log in with your Hive account on to publish your next travel post, and it will be posted to Hive automatically! Every day, we select the best posts and reward them with an upvote and added visibility.

See you around!

@travelfeed thank you - I will definitely check it out! On the rails again soon, so there will be an opportunity to contribute some good content! Cheers!

Great, we're excited for for your posts!

Hey Mirella! It's great to see you here on Hive. It was great meeting you in Amsterdam during the Expo. Life's a little bit busy at the moment, but if you need help, you know where to find me :)

Hey @rubencress - so good to hear from you! Thank you for your kind welcoming, hope to stay in touch and meet again!

Willkommen auf HIVE. Irgendwie scheint dsas an mir vorbei gegangen zu sein:-) Vielleicht sehen wir uns am nächsten Meet Up in Wien.