Thanks a ton :) It is indeed very weird. I have a very weird, and very cool supervisor for my project, so i'm really excited. I will be doing a ton on experiments with different recipes, and later i'll be looking into how to automate the growth process. If anyone is interested, i might also make a more general introduction to kombucha, with a recipe, and maybe a small video. But that should be simple, and only if people are interested :)
Right now, i am 3D printing some steem coins, which i'll be making a post about later. Who wouldn't wanna print their own money, right? ;)
Ha ha, yeah, except I'm not sure you can spend your printed steem in the local grocer store, or even on Steemit! He he he. Nice to see a student enthused for their project, best of luck!
Thank you so much :) I am indeed very excited :)