
Please don't this as an attack - there are those who will not miss a chance to pounce on someone posting something similar.
My point is, this platform will retain and record everything that you and I have posted and will not and cannot be deleted. So, why I am pointing them out is to give you a chance to explain - that's all. This being said, others will have no reason to criticize or attack - as I did not and do not intend to harm you.

My questions were rhetorical, if you view them in the right perspective.
I am not here to get rich or to hurt someone who might want to do so - see my self introduction.
Just be careful in all your activities and posts for the above reasons.
All the best! I have just recently witnessed someone - @sweetsssj - attacked with allegations just on suspicion of impropriety and possibly because of her success - her past came back to haunt her even thought she had done nothing wrong - IMHO.

I appreciate the explanation! I'm still learning how all of this works, didn't intend to create any weirdness. My verification photo is dated for tomorrow because I originally planned to post then, but I decided to post my introduction today instead. For anyone concerned about any impropriety, my social links and website are above. :) Check back tomorrow to see some music so you know I do what I say I do haha!

You get the point, I hope. So, know the rules - see FAQ; and, watch the "flame throwers" - and remember this: you have the right to remain silent, ... everything you said ... used against you applies here and what we post here will not be and cannot be erased or altered.
All the best!@emilykeener - I am a fan. I like you just by looking at your smile - and then from reading your reply to my comments. I am here last week - today is day 9 - and I worked very hard to get my reputation score up but I am still only 41 vs. your 46. I know that with hard work and contribution to good content here, I will catch up. never the less, be mindful that jealousy is one of the most powerful motivation - forces. So, pay attention to those forces in action. Understand the rules here - freedom / democracy comes at a price - it makes this place like the wild - wild west. There is no sheriff. There is no judge. There is no trial. There is no fireman. There is no police.