Allow Me To Introduce Myself. I Am Spaceship Captain!

in #introduceyourself4 years ago (edited)

I joined the Hive platform only this past late summer, and now I find it only right that I publish an introduction to myself. Well, here I familiarize you with who I am and set forth to you what my objectives are in my journey as your Spaceship Captain. Also, feel free to address me as “epicenterdefacto,” although I prefer to be called “Spaceship Captain.” I may not be an exhibitionist with the intimate details of my identity and my personal life, but I am more than happy to show you the characteristics of myself that explain why I chose to take a journey in search of the truth.

I invite all of you to join me in my journey for the truth. Because the press and the media tend either to sugarcoat reality or distort it, this journey will not be an easy one. Society has become easily brainwashed because of the lack of ethical responsibility of trusted journalists in the United States of America and throughout the world.

As a consequence, the dangers that our society now confronts is the fact that we have found ourselves absorbed into a culture of compliance. Because of it, Americans have become too afraid to express their opinions against the status quo regardless of how wrong the status quo may be about any given issue. A YouTuber named Gonzalez Lira provides a thorough description of what a culture of compliance is in his video below.

You ask me what my real identity is and what I really look like. I long for that day that I can come out from behind my astronaut helmet and share everything about me with the entire world and the entire universe. However, unfortunately, there exist those who do not wish for the truth to be discovered and those who would go to great lengths even to harm those who speak and write the truth. Therefore, my face must remain concealed behind my astronaut helmet in my quest to enlighten and educate those who have been misled by trusted but unreliable sources of information.

Here we start our journey down here on the Earth. Those who choose to accompany me in this journey, prepare yourselves for blastoff. Narrow-minded individuals may exit the ship before countdown begins, unless, that is, you are willing to be enlightened. In that event, please do remain seated.

Everyone? Please now secure yourselves to your posts. Countdown is about to begin. Ten. Nine. Eight. Seven. Six. Five. Four. Three. Two. One. BLASTOFF!!!!

Here our journey begins with the purpose of finding the truth about so many topics that trouble our society and the world. This journey is going to be a long one. Therefore, I ask that all of you who accompany me to hang tight as we explore through the entire sea of facts and make discoveries where no other journalist has boldly gone before. Get ready for some of the shocking realities of finding the truth. I will make this journey as comfortable as possible for you, but I will not hold back on important facts to pamper some who may not be ready to face reality. We now prepare to leave the Earth’s gravity.

As we plunge into the depths of space, allow me to tell you what prompted me to go on this journey and explore the facts. Once upon a time there was a young boy who took everything he heard and read at face value. That young boy was I. I trusted the press and the media. I trusted my elders. I trusted the Puritanical Establishment and society in general to be honest with me about the facts. However, as I grew into a man and matured, I began to see so many things wrong with the whole picture. Special-interest groups were everywhere attempting to distort the facts at the detriment of others. Injustices were ensuing as a result. Hatred and bigotry began to poison the judgment of the mainstream. I could not take these injustices sitting down. I simply had to find a way to put a stop to this madness. Therefore, I decided to embark upon a quest for the truth. I became epicenterdefacto and later on Spaceship Captain, and I am your spaceship captain on this journey.

The universe can be a cold and cruel place. However, as your spaceship captain, I will keep each and every one of you safe on this journey, and I will do even more than that. I will deliver you facts and evidence that no other journalist dare does so inasmuch as he or she fears that such actions could have repercussions for him or her. I will enable all of you to see beyond the caste system and the culture of compliance that attempt to interfere with our efforts to find the truth, and I will expose both that caste system and that culture of compliance for the evil that they are. This quest for the truth may be involving and at times endless, but I will take you there.

As you accompany me in this journey, I welcome all of you to share your thoughts with me. I will not necessarily agree with you, but I will respect your opinions, although at times I will become brutally honest with you. You are my crew. Outer space has many dangers and the travel is rugged, but I believe that we can all get to where we are going on this journey. There is so much for us to discover.

Are you still curious about why I have not revealed my face or my true identity in the form of my birth name? Think of the Lone Ranger. He did many good deeds. However, he never removed his mask and he never revealed his identity, because he knew that there were those who would do harm to him and his loved ones. I do not fear those kinds of individuals. However, I also cannot deliver my objectives to you as effectively and efficiently as I could, if I were to give up my anonymity and allow for others to interfere with my quest accordingly. As you can see, this quest has nothing to do with what I look like or who I am. I am all of you and I am no different from any of you. Like all of you, I want the truth rather than what pseudo-intellectuals want me to believe.

Now, there will be times when I will reveal a detail or two about my personal life and my identity. I will do so strictly on a need-to-know basis so that all of you who read my writings will understand where I am coming from rather than misinterpreting the integrity of my intentions.

There are others like me who are members of the Hive blockchain and go about the same method of delivering the truth to other members of the Hive blockchain and the world as I do, but I will attempt to take you further than them. By the way, has anyone figured out yet what we are supposed to call ourselves as members of the Hive blockchain? Hivers, Hivians or Hiveans? For now, I will refer to all of you as my crewmembers.

Coming over to the Hive blockchain from a different platform was a major transition for me. In any event, I am ready to take on new challenges. I am ready to take all of you on my journey to places that you never even knew existed. I only ask that all of you who have joined me on my journey to keep an open mind and allow me to show you the side of the facts that seldom ever get shown. Outer space has no boundaries for making new discoveries. The truth awaits us as we conquer this final frontier in our journey. 😄

This article is copyright-protected.


Since you have been around the blockchains, let this be a suggestive reminder;Welcome to the Hive community @epicenterdefacto!

Seven suggestions to consider:

  1. Guard your passwords carefully, and only publish with the posting key,
  2. Use your active key only for wallet transactions, keychain and Peaklock,
  3. The owner password is only used to reset compromised passwords,
  4. DO NOT lose your passwords; copy and store offline,
  5. Do not publish other people's work, be it photos or written, without credit, and
    be sure to source all of your work, even if it is your own
  6. An introduceyourself tag is used only once , and
  7. Do Not open any links in memos or comments that you do not know who they belong to. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is, so the old saying goes. There is nothing free here.

I found you because @brittandjosie and @jamerussell from @heyhaveyamet presented and promoted your publication to get more exposure and help you grow faster.

If you find yourself overwhelmed and need some guidance, or if you have any questions, there are informed Hivians available who can help you; you can click to go to The Terminal in Discord here:

Have fun and happy Hiving!

Thank you! 😀

Yeh. I like your style. Welcome SpaceGhost

Thank you. For some reason, it is not as easy to center the pictures in an article when I post on my PEAKD channel as it is on my Hive-Blog channel. Anyhow, I figured it out and got everything the way it should look in my article above.


Welcome to Hive, @epicenterdefacto, and thanks for the nice photos!

Very nice introduction and a nice mix to your spaceship captain persona! I look forward to read some of your future articles as well. Its sometimes best not to reveal your true self because sometimes it can be risky putting your real life self and dare to talk against the government and people who mis used the definition of pedophilia! You are great at what you do and deserve more attention than what you are getting!

Thank you! I've been working more on articles to post on HubPages, because I only have 21 articles posted on my channel there and I would like to start publishing more articles on that platform, even though I have to deal with an editorial board there, unlike the Hive platform. Anyhow, I will likely be publishing some more articles here on my Hive-Blog channel and PEAK channel sometime in mid-December.