How and Why I Became A Steemian. A Reintroduction

in #introduceyourself7 years ago (edited)

Hello Great Steemian

Season greeting to all steemian from my abode in Nigeria precisely from Delta state. I am Efe Eric a young man that possess in his unflinching characters of honesty, transparency and humility. It is not just writing this qualities here, all because I have to introduce myself. It is actual my strong point in life because I strive to live it day by day because of high spiritual and moral creed i possessed, with a gusto to succeed and a passionate desire to walk in the philanthropic path of life.

I am the eldest in the family of 9 (my mum is so fertile not for the unfortunate death of my father we would have been 10 or may be a complete football team by now. Oh!, We were actually 10 but lost a sibling... This image below is me and three younger sister).

How is all Happen

I could have joined this platform some months ago, when I came across steemit but i did not study it keenly, but through steemevangelism(whatsapp based group) I was enlightened. The detailed i got about steemit through steemevangelism was so intriguing, informative, compelling, so powerful that i have to come on board asap. I kicked myself on the foot for not being a steemian before now "smh", it is better late than never ... joined at the right time.

Becoming a steemians, all thanks go to @eurogee, the founder of @euronation newbie recruitment. It was an eye opener to me that @eurogee a talented handsome guy could make impact on lives of young Nigerians through his gospel of steemevangelism through the Steemit platform, also to @smyle, the team of @euronation that gave me comforting conviction about being a steemian and the opportunity it avail me to express myself, as captured by Bertrand Russell "Every man, wherever he goes, is encompassed by a cloud of comforting convictions, which move with him like flies on a summer day. Bertrand Russell, Sceptical Essays (1928), Dreams and Facts".

It is now dawn on me that I could actually replicate such amazing feat so that together we could sound a united voice in emancipating Nigerians from vices that dented our right sense of judgements in financial matters.(kicking out the frivolous mavrodian mentality).

Traversing the cryptospace

I have been touring the length and breadth of the Steemit environ going through insightful contents and publications and my conclusion is that Steemit is amazing! A platform you can leverage to build your brand, to garner ideas, proffer solutions and pally with positive networks... this list is endless. A positive cryptoworld I must confess

The Duty Here

My aim here is to create blogs that will be helpful,insightful, incisive, inspirational, humorous contents that will be great benefit to all who will go through it and as well bring inflow of traffic to Steemit. The goal here is to create positive campaign and awareness that will contribute to building up a better #Nigeria and the world at large

My Aspiration is to affect life positively with the jurisdiction of my social capacity, financial capacity, psychological capacity and especially spiritual capacity

Without no iota of doubt I know I am in the right place.

I remain my truest self

imageEfe Eric @prolific


You did it oniovo....... Wealthcome to paradise,you are just gonna love it here

Thanks man for your support.

I join other Steemians to welcome you to this life transforming community. Let me congratulate you for taking the bold step. It is indeed better late than ever. Some heard of this platform earlier than you and are still sitting on the fence. Release your creativity brother as we wait eagerly to benefit from your informed write ups. Congratulations!

Strong word of support from you sir, i appreciate

Welcome to our community, kindly explore

Thanks, i will definitely do

Welcome to this great community

Welcome to Steemit

Thanks my amiable steemian

Welcome bro,this a place you will love and enjoy to be

Yeah, i am loving it

Wealthcome.May you find joy while trying to improve lifes

Thanks and Amen