Hello Steemit!

Hello fellow Steemit community members! I would prefer to stay anonymous in regards to my name on such a platform as this, however I feel it's essential to provide some background information on myself. When reading articles I have posted, or when I comment on a post, you can acquire a better understanding from where my thought processes come from if you understand my current place in life.

I am eighteen years old at the time of writing this. I'm unaware of the age range of the Steemit community, however I can assume I am on the younger side (alas, we cannot assume anything in 2016!). I hope my age brings a fresh perspective on different topics! I currently attend Northeastern University in an avid attempt to enter the field of scientific research to further the development of humanity. As an Eagle Scout and volunteer at my Regional Food Bank, I believe helping others is essential to a bountiful, more fulfilled life, along with exercising. I love exercising - weightlifting and yoga are within my repertoire towards better understanding my body and reaching a better place in regards to internal and external health.

I recognize the value of arduous work as I have worked for a construction company as an "arms and legs guy," a.k.a. the young individual they have tote around all the heavy objects to make their job easier. Long hours, hard work, but good pay - it's what I use to pay for my education. Construction has certainly changed my outlook on life. Before that I was a waiter at a restaurant, and let me tell you it was a big change going from four hours a night to twelve hours a day!

I hope to get to know many of you, the community members, as we strive toward better content on the site. I hope this quick biographical information session will provide a better understanding of who I am and who I want to become!



Interesting use of language for an eighteen year old guy! Very unusual to find - enjoy the steemit ride - lots to learn!

Thank you! I look forward to reading many different kinds of posts.

Are you really an eighteen year old student? I ask because I like integrity and the fact that i am asking a second time worries me!

Yes, I am eighteen. I turn nineteen January 5th if that makes things seem more plausible? I can't really provide much more hard evidence. Like you said integrity is important, so I ask that you trust my word my friend!

Welcome to Steemit @extremedistaste :)

Thank you! I feel very welcomed.

Welcome! I'm sure you will love it here and fit right in:)

Thank you! I look forward to reading more of your posts.

Welcome to Steemit! :))

After reading your introduction, I'd never guess that you're so young, I am pleasantly surprised, welcome :)

Thank you! That means a lot.

Hello, am a newbie as well, welcome to steemit.

Welcome, fellow newbie!