Hello steemit..!


Let me introduce to you my name is muhammad al fakhri,but Iam commonly called by fahri abdullah,before we are going to our material,its good we know each another first,because proverb has one said dont know than no love. I live in INDONESIA and located in aceh and Iam still a student,actually I dont bealive that steemit could come by much money,but after my friend proved to me that he has buy new motor cycle from steemit's money,because of that I have to try to played steemit, and Iam bealive I can do it..nice to know you steemit
*Join me here I really hope to get to know each other with friends and should be with friends can help me in studying the science of steemit more deeply, with the support and help my friends are very grateful. And I really hope that with the information from my friends can learn a lot of science later so with the information that I describe should be useful for me and for friends later.

For the attention of my friends thank you so much steemit ....


Welcome to steemit family.At last you came to the most amazing community in the world.Wishing you all the success.I am following you to get more updates , hoping you will follow me too...

yeah welcome too @sanjo1986 follow me and vote ok..! @fahriabdullah

Welcome to Steemit! Looking forward to your updates around here.

welcome too,nice to know you @bidyut follow me and vote ok @fahriabdullah

Wow...welcome to steemit men.!!
Follow and vote me @ahlulal to look my post..

mudah mudahan makin kaya aminnnn

aminn naik fortune kita