The Story of my Life

Good Evening Ladies and Gentleman,
My Name is Florian. I am a 31 years old guy from Germany.

I´ve been around for many years and finally moved back to my Hometown Hamburg.
Plenty of years I was a Man of wealth and Taste, stole too many souls and faith.
I worked in many different Locations and Companies and always thought, Life is always going as easy as it did all my Life. But I does not.

There were a bad Travel mate in my soul, always been around and finally fucked me up.
Alcohol. I lost Control, always thought I am the one who Controls everything, but didn’t realize the Point where it changed. Where Alcohol controlled me more, than I control this fuckin Drug.

I lost my fuckin nice runnin Company, my Girl quit because I cheat on her. Everything I lived for was suddenly gone.
If i am totally honest to myself, it was my fault.

Nevertheless I am pretty lost and don´t know where to start and what to do.
But I started to fight. Therapy, Rehab, Drinking, Therapy and so on.

I am really interested in the opportunities steemit can give and I am tensed what comes next.

Maybe I got depressed, that´s what my Doctors told me.
For me it´s hard to accept, but I have to faith the truth.

I want to go back to the Point where all started, but that is impossible.
I Love Physics by the Way, if some likes to talk about Albert Einstein and his Theory of life, you are welcome! Maybe there will be a possibility to Time travel in future Life ;)

But for now, I have to work with all I have and had.

I am really interested in everything new, in mind-blowing things, in the life at it is.
Traveling, Science, Political Changes, Diving, my Flat, DIY, Woman, Man, Music, Depression, Addiction…

There is a lot where my Attention is forced to go, I try to dig and find myself, as a new version of mine.
I Like to share what I am interested in, like to connect and talk to others.

Flow 2.0


Alcohol can really tear your life apart. People use alcohol to cover up their depression only to make their preexisting condition worse like a feedback loop.

Welcome to Steemit, Florian

Welcome aboard Floh! Start your engines and get on the right track again :) Happy steeming!

THX for your reply, and you ar f***ing right mate!

flowflowsen, life goes on. The moment you decided to tell us your story proves you are a real fighter and you will never give up! Impressive.

Also, wie schon oben erwähnt. Kopf hoch, denn du bist nie alleine. Stehen zu dir Hamburger Jung :)

alter wie geil ist das denn! Das hilft echt danke für das Ding!

That's why I am: to help. To give

I want to go back to the Point where all started, but that is impossible.

Jeff Bezos started Amazon at 32 with no prior experience of running a company. You have already run one and you are just 31.

I agree. Always look on the upside. The mind has ways of looking at things dis-proportionally to reality. If you are going to look at the negative things, you must consider the positive ones as well to be fair.

hmm, that´s a good advice ;)

Welcome Florian, respect for the honest post it requires courage to talk that open minded. I hope this is THE start into a better life, take my upvote sir and carry on!

Nice to have your reply!

welcome to the community man. Hope all becomes well in your life! :)

yeah hope so to, thx for your reply!

Congrats on getting your life back together and welcome to steemit.

take control of your life my friend, nice to meet you @flowflowsen 8]

Never get addicted to anything in this world, Everything in Excess is poison. Hope you have a good start to your new life. Drink Juice no Alcohol.

Thx for your reply, you are telling the truth, enjoy my Orange-Juice right now ;)

@flowflowsen, thanks for share us this incredible history, really I have similars problems and I also think that this plataform will help to somebody like us, to go up!!! I´m changing day for day, this jop is hard but not impossible.... I just have to say than welcome to the @steemit plataform... Greettings from the @steemitcolombia Team...

Welcome Florian. Its good to see you here!
Stay cool, you are awesome person :)

I absolutely love diving man and I think it will help you a lot in the future while dealing with life. It's great to go down to about 30ft when a full moon is out and just meditate on life.

I still drink and sometimes more than I should and maybe thats my fault for not seeing it as a problem in my life. but i am a recovering drug addict and I have been off pills for over two years now. addiction is a hard fight but it is possible to win. hang in there man, and most importantly let life happen. you can't plan it out all the time and if you try too hard to plan it out then you'll always be disappointed. That's not to say don't plan at all by the way. I have been on both ends of that and both ends suck. My grandfather always told me growing up "that in all things have balance."

If you ever need a random guy to talk too, I'm here.

Thank you for your honesty.

Herzlich willkommen und toi toi toi! Liebe Grüße aus Berlin!

I also had time to do but stopped, all the time

Hi flowflowsen,

I think you may like this article I just wrote on a book. I’ve posted it 10 min ago ;)

It had a great impact in my life and I really wanted to share it with this community. I’ll let a few comments on posts about life, yoga and spirituality. Enjoy ;)

Hope you have been doing well since the rehab and everything. Those things are hard to cut out. Welcome to Steemit.

When you are enthusiastic about what you do, you feel this positive energy

Good to have you here at Steemit! Loved reading your story and I wish you nothing but goodness with the new path!

Thanks for sharing and glad to have you. There are definitely a few other physics lovers on here, myself included :)

Life has lots of ways to trip us up and send us crashing onto the rails. Alcohol is one of them. Good to see you are taking control and moving forward!