New Member joining from Ecuador

Hi all! A quick message to introduce myself. My name is Bill Mann. I was born and raised in the USA. Made lots of money in the boom, lost it all and went bankrupt after I had to drop out of all that to care for sick family members. Now alive and well in Cuenca, Ecuador. I have a great life here, paying my bills by running online courses in Microsoft Outlook and writing product reviews and the like for clients around the world. It was a rough transition but I learned a lot and wouldn't go back for anything.

I started a few months ago to share what I have learned with other people like me. That is, people in their 40's, 50's and 60's who want to build a better, freer tomorrow for themselves while dealing with aging, a shitty job market, and all the other aspects of this stage of life.

I have been trying to get my head around the whole verification thing. I'm not a big fan of the "hold up a note in a photo" approach, so added a link to Steemit from my FreerTomorrow blog. Here's a link to the relevant page:

Does this do the trick for verification?




Saluton kaj bonvenon Bill je Steemit, eĉ sen foto de vi. Certe mi rigardos al via retpaĝaro. Bonan tagon al vi!

Gracias Johano. You are using Esperanto, correct?

Welcome Bill! Of course that is fine for verification.

Thanks demotruk. I didn't want to start off here on the wrong foot!

Hey @freertomorrow
Welcome to Steemit!

I am checking out your website now so I can have a freertomorrow too, btw if you ever need any help or advice feel free to PM me on

Thanks Gonzo!

Welcome to Steemit @freertomorrow! Great to have you here :)

Welcome to Steemit!

Welcome. Your website looks interesting and Ecuador feels fascinating. Awaiting to see more of you more on Steemit

I should be able to get some stuff up today. My schedule is slightly disrupted by the fact that I am getting married tomorrow. ;-)

welcome and happy steeming man

I am looking forward to it fajaragamaza!

Welcome to Steemit! :))

Thank you pilgrimtraveler. I'm happy to be here.

Un saludo desde Quito, es bueno ver gente estupenda en mi país Ecuador. 😊

Hello Bill I just joined steemit, I'm from Ecuador and live in Guayaquil. I Wonder if you know other Steemians that live in Ecuador maybe we could form a group to support each other and grow together.

Pablo, I don't know of anyone else. I am sure there are more folks on here somewhere, but haven't made any effort to track people down. I'm just getting back into Steemit now after time spent dealing with other stuff. I hope the service is treating you well!