
Not yet. Should I?

I've been a homeowner for a while and I got one recently and I regret that I didn't get one sooner. That's like the best $20 you could spend on home improvements. I was using it today to dig out a bunch of weeds, it's like a hundred times better than a hoe or shovel.

I've got a hoe, shovel, rake, and pitchfork I've been using. I'll look into getting a pickaxe now! Got a pic of the one you've got or recommendations on what kind to get?

Tbh, I thought that was some crazy off the wall bot comment lol 😂😂

I have this one, I don't know how it compares to others:

I've been using it a lot. I've been mistaken for a bot before, probably my fault.

Cool! I'll look into it next time I'm at the hardware store! Thanks a lot!