Archeologist of Aceh: Site of Pande Village Must Be Rescued


BANDA ACEH - Aceh Archaeologist, Dr. Husaini Ibrahim, MA, said the government should stop and move the construction of the Waste Management Installation Project (IPAL) under construction in the TPA at Gampong Pande, Banda Aceh. It was delivered considering the area there are several historical sites that must be saved.

I think it is very important to be saved, the first time as proof of the greatness of the Acehnese Kingdom. Particularly the problem of the Kingdom of Aceh Darussalam was once the center of the greatest development of Islam in Southeast Asia, "he said. Husaini, while doing a review of the site's location, Tuesday, August 29, 2017.

Dr. Husaini said, the rescue of cultural heritage sites that exist in the location of WWTP in Gampong Pande not without cause. Therefore, he suggested it would be better if the construction is moved.

That's the problem. So we have to see why this issue can arise? This is the problem (found some gravestones at the construction site), he said.

Therefore yes to be saved, if this can be moved to another place does not matter while the site remains he should not be moved. The site should be there and stay there, while the building can be moved to another place, he said again.


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