Hi bashadow,
Glad you like the music. Very happy some people are listening to it!
Greateful Dead I am familiar with, I dig them, very much.
Robert Hunter I have never heard of, but I will have to check him out. I discover new artists from that time every year and I am always impressed if not blown away. Roy Harper and Loudin Wainwright III being the most recent songwriters I've got in to.
See you around,
Edit: I see the Robert Hunter connection now. I guess I know him well. Ripple is one of my favorites.
I loved his Box of Rain song, It was just the sound you have that made me think of them the outdoor concerts with people just kind of hanging around and listening, and enjoying life.
Great song, too. Yeah, that's sort of what I do myself. Just hang around and play. I'd like to create this atmosphere for others too, sooner or later. I was watching an Arlo Guthrie video lately where he talked about a gig he did in Denmark after the berlin wall fell, there was a sense of hope or relaxation or something, which didn't last long. Hopefully we can make that happen again.