Ser madre

Mi otra pasion ademas de las manualidades es Ser Madre !! Para mi es el mas hermoso trabajo infinito que puede existir , nada facil pero interesante ! Ya que desde ese preciso momento pasas a cuidar a esa personita que tanto te hace feliz, y no tan solo eso si no a enseñarle y darle lo mejor de ti y tus enseñanzas , por eso hoy mañana y siempre estare agradecida de ser madre que como les dije ES EL TRABAJO QUE JAMAS TERMINA pero que te llena el alma IMG_20170704_142041_705.jpg y hace feliz


Bienvenida. Upvote y siguiendo.

Muchas bendiciones para ti y tu familia.

Que bueno ver mas gente en Steemit @genelaya espero te guste, es una gran red social. Saludos

Muchas graciass

Welcome to this platform. We wish a lot of things that you want here. I am Reza from Aceh, Sumatra wants to meet you. Please follow me on @elhakimi and I will give the vote to you. Thank you..

Welcome genelaya, I hope you enjoy it here! This is a great place for a multitude of reasons; I’m sure you’ll find plenty of your own.

I am going to follow you and ask that in return you follow me. But take note, this type of following is almost a moot point. After all, wouldn’t you rather be following people with similar interests? OR following people whom are like minded?

Just my two cents, but welcome all the same. At my site, @carltong; I have blogs on scams, easy to use faucets, and more. I don’t link to any of these in this letter, because I want to genuinely welcome you to Steemit. It’s that great an invention, lol.

Here is my best advice for you:

”If it seems too good to be true, then it’s NOT true.”

I lost over $1000 at BitcoinsBrain, and almost got taken by FexFund; I was given this advice once; “be nice to everyone and don’t trust anyone”.

Whatever the case, WELCOME HERE. Say hi once in a while and I’ll try to do the same.
