Happy new year,everybody !!!
我已经来到steemit一周左右了。我之所以没有在第一天就写下这篇自我介绍,是因为我当时只是作为一个为区块链这一概念吸引的观光者来到这个平台。经过一周的摸索和实践,我逐渐对steemit有了自己的一些认识,同样也十分看好这一区块链自媒体平台的运行模式,对steemit的未来有了一定的信心。如果我想开始自己的写作之路,为什么不在这样一个颇具潜力的平台尝试呢?所以我决定在这样一个新年伊始,写下这样一篇自我介绍,希望能在steemit 上实现自我的成长,结交到更多志同道合的朋友。
I'm glad you saw my post in front of the screen. That means I'm lucky to be involved in a part of your life.
As you can see, my name is gifer. It comes from GIF. You know that right? Exchangeable image file format for exchange of image files. Just the no sound transforming picture. I think GIF is an interesting form of expression. It tells stories, it gives you fun. GIF is more vivid than a pictures, and is lighter than videos. I'm so happy offering some GIF posts. Maybe I'm not doing good enough right now, but I will continue to work hard. Hope to get your support :P

I'm @edosweet. I'm here to welcome you specially to this platform. I'm really glad you are here and hope to see you become a great steemian. Good luck to you!
Ni hao, I'm giving away 15 Steem Dollars check my post to find out more
Thank you. Interesting idea
Welcome to steemit gifer I wish you success and a fun time here.
Thanks :P
Most welcome to steemit
Best of luck
Thankyou :P