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RE: Who I am? @ My Introduction Post@

hey, @steemitgeek.

Is the earnings on YouTube being lower this year than in the past due to their changes in who gets paid, or is it just slower because of less audience viewing? I never could make anything work over there myself (and I'm sure it's in large part because I couldn't really stick to it) but we keep hearing about the changes coming out of YouTube and how it's tougher to make a go of it unless you're part of the elite few.

Well, I hope things work out here, and if you're also freelancing and enjoying that, something's bound to come from it. Skill and passion generally equals revenue in my experience. It's when one or both are lacking where things start to fall apart or never get off the ground at all.


First sorry for late reply, Yes earning this year from YouTube is much lower than last year. Actually YouTube is now experimenting different rules to make their platform better. But most of the time it affects minnows. Because they act like a dictator and don't want to hear anything from us. Few day ago I have sold a YT channel with 64K subs at low price, though selling is not allowed. But for an established creator changing for them is profitable. Because the more restriction youtube apply, the less will be competion.