Born in Sweden raised in a zoo. Part one out of at least two.. Follow me I follow You. (Newbie on steemit do not really know how to do.)

 I saw first light one early spring morning the year 1979 in the Kingdom of Sweden. 

 Kalmar was once the capitol of Sweden and Scandinavia (1397–1523). In the picture we see Kalmar Castle.

My mother gave natural birth to me in the beautiful harbour city of Kalmar. Situated on the southeast coast of Sweden, Kalmar boasts a gorgeous view to the east over the island of Öland. I was raised there. In Kalmar, and on Öland. I am fortunate. I know this.

Just a couple of years prior to my coming into this world it was a bridge built connecting the mainland of Sweden to the island of Öland. Jokes between us from the mainland and folks from the Island where plenty. They still are. I am a half breed, I know. We Swedes, well Scandinavians in general, have a very dark sense of humor. This compared to people in many other parts of world where I have travelled. I suppose it has part to do with our long cultural and historical past. We do not mind having a good laugh over a broken arm, or after someone dies. Well, some of us.

My father is from Öland, the town of Mörbylånga to be exact. That town is located in the southern part of this narrow and oblong island, facing the mainland to the west. My grandmother, my fathers mother still lives there, she is old, I miss her as I write these words. My grandfather left us some years ago. I do not count them. My fathers father came från Skåne, Höganäs. He was a sailor, old school, with tattoos. He had sharp eyes, just as my father and I. They see you.

I have three brothers, they are all spread out. Two younger ones and an older one. There is distance between all of us, it hurts all the time. However of that I do not speak. I keep what I can not hold close, deep and silently inside of me. I get that from my father, my brothers are not like me. My father got it from his father way before he passed it in on to me. We are all the same, however completely different men you see. When we meet, my brothers and I, we wrestle in our own individual ways. Regardless of geographical position they are still always with me. I find this strangely comforting, writing for all to see. But I do not know the result of this, I just have to wait and see.

My mother worked as a snake-charmer performing on stage at her parents travelling show. She started at a very young age. My mother and father meet when they where young. It was a good love, a strong love. I now this, my three blood brothers and I, the results, know this. My parents did not get permission to marry each other as easily as one could think. She was young, not even eighteen yet. My mother and father asked permission to get married from our Swedish King. 

In one way I have a King to thank for so many in my life wonderful things.  

My grandparents on my mothers side bought a small farm on Öland. Nothing much, to begin with, but with plenty of room for all the kids. Also staying with the family at the farm was off course the performing artists from the variety-show and travelling carnivals. People from alla walks of life came from near and far. After the bridge was built my grandfather bought a camel to the farm, and donkey. And since the snakes my mother and others use at work did not much appreciate the Swedish weather, a terrarium was starting to shape in one of the big barns.

Can you see where this is going? Because I was raised in a Zoo...
So before I tell You all about how I raised tigers from cubs, tigers and a lion that made me run for my life, later in the same. Before that, I have to catch some sleep. It has been a long day today. If you read this far I salute You and I thank You. Do not be shy, hit like if that is not to be considered as a far fetched way to validate why I sometimes cry.It was really nice to find this place and blow off some, or, steemit off.

Sincerely - Mikael.  


Welcome to Steemit Mikael!
I love Sweden as I have been a few times there for vacation. The photo brings back memories.

Thank You,
We have it pretty nice up here, to much democratic socialism for the good of the people. But I am working on it though.. ;-)

Yeah... same here in the Netherlands... socialistic inferno.. ;)

It will crumble. I do not share this Christian fear and politicians need for political correctness. The Swedes, as other Scandinavians somehow seemed to forget what peace loving liberal people we were up here in Scandinavia before these Christians came and allied itself with the state to corrupt our free will. Our cultural and spiritual past describes the downfall of these man made systems in a poetic justice kind of way. Rune stones do not burn and every stone will be turned. We call it: Ragnarök.

Yes! Absolutely.

Welcome to the platform, I wish everything work out for you. It’s not easy here but not difficult neither but just ask an extra effort, engagement is the key good luck I’m @goodaytraders Start by following people and they will do the same.

Thank you @goodaytraders,
Tip duly noted and you just got a new follower. Looking forward to get to know my way around here better. Now i will check out your posts. See ya!

Welcome to Steemit! I hope you like it as much as I do.
I'm following you to know you better. Feel free to connect with me 😀

Hi there lulita,
Thank you for your response, I just started a couple of weeks ago but have known about steemit for some time. First impression is kind of overwhelming however I am sure that it will become easier as time passes by. Thank you for commenting. You just got a new follower. <3

Thank you. I'm new too.

Welcome to steemit @goodwine.

Thank You @ogoowinner!
Checking in your "profile" and you are the next one to follow...

Awe! Thanks for that.

Welcome to Steemit. Very nice introduction. I've not yet been to Sweden but seeing the picture you posted makes me want to visit. Upvoted and followed

Thank you @xervantes,
Glad you liked the introduction. Thought it might have been a little bit to, hmm, "strangely" written. When you visit just let me know, I am confident that me our any of my friends can show you some quality time and good fun.

You just got your self a new follower.

Welcome to Steemit! :)

Welcome to Steemit. Enjoy the ride here. See you around! :-)